Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Trauma and the Fury

Over the last few days I have been bombarded with co-workers oh-so-cute photos of their young, barely out of infanthood, children screaming their heads off while forced to sit on Santa's lap.

(This is not one of them. It's from another blog I read. But it's a good example of what I'm ranting about.)

Everyone is cooing over them. Meanwhile I sit in my corner of the newsroom silently fuming over the trauma these otherwise loving parents are inflicting on their trusting offspring.

I take some pride in the fact I've been able to keep my mouth shut, so far. But I don't know how much longer my fury can be silenced. If I see one more child screaming for rescue from the scary man with the beard I may just lose it. Again.

Nimitz' Lady

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