Friday, December 02, 2005


During our trip to Europe, JBP and I finished reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Now, the movie is coming out a week from today.

My problem: while JBP at 5 yrs 8.5 months old is perfectly capable of handling the plot in the book I don't know if he'll be able to handle the movie.

But he's seen the promos (actually first noticed the poster for it this summer) and really wants to see it.

It is rated only PG, which I usually allow him to see with the appropriate parental unit awake and in place. However, the plot includes a rather scary witch, the death of a main character and a major battle that kills 'people'.

I could of course always go see it myself at the theatre and then decide. Like I'll ever find the time for that one! Or I could just tell him he'll have to wait six more months (after waiting the last six) for it to come out on DVD. Or take him and hope he'll make it through.

He's made it through other movies that surprised me, like Apollo 13 at the age of three. But then other movies I thought would be just fine for him ended up being too much. Just this week, he refused to watch the end of Goonies.

I'm just not sure what to tell him.... and I'm running out of time.

Nimitz' Lady

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