Friday, December 16, 2005


JBP is really into sharing recently. It appears despite my lackadaisical attitude this year, he's really caught the spirit of the season.

Yesterday, he tried to give me all the bills out of his piggy bank (actually a heartshaped tin he keeps his money in), "'Cause that's what Jesus would want me to do."

Today, he wanted to put money in the Salvation Army bucket. I told him we'd have to wait until we left because mommy didn't have any cash on her.

We had a horrible, hectic, awful shopping trip and I'd totally forgotten about his desires by the time we checked out. What this means is I didn't get any cash for him to put in the bucket.

He knew what a bad time I'd had and never said a word. He just took all the dollar bills (four, I think) he had in his coat pocket and stuffed them into the bucket.

That's my sweetheart.
Nimitz' Lady

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