Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I'm not generally someone who schedules their life around the TV schedule. But I do have a few shows I like to watch. Usually ones with good characters.

One show I do enjoy is E.R. on NBC. I began watching this show when I was home on maternity leave with JBP five years ago.

I fell in love with Abby and Dr. Kovac. Since then the writers have split the two of them up and paired them with others. Then split them up again.

Now, they're finally back together. And in the last episode before "Christmas Reruns" Abby told Kovac she was pregnant. Right at the end of the episode. Then left us hanging for his reaction (although if they remain true to the character, I could tell you right now what the reaction will be) for three whole weeks! Three weeks!

The next new episode is a week from tomorrow. I'm already setting my VCR. Yes, I still use a VCR. I haven't convinced myself to spring for the extra money for digital cable and a DVR, yet. It's coming soon though, I can feel it.

Nimitz' Lady

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