Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas - a - holic

I admit it, I am addicted to the Christmas Season. Normally. Most years I can't get enough of the decorations, the parties, the shopping/gifting, the foooood.

I'm not sure why but this year just doesn't feel like Christmas.

Maybe it's because I'm trying to cut down on the commercialism of the holiday in our lives. I'm not one of those crying out against the use of Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas (another post for another day) but I am one of those who feels like the Holy Day (which is what holiday really means) has become too much of a buying/me me me event.

Maybe it's because of all the traveling we've been doing, which means we haven't decorated yet.

I don't know. It just doesn't feel like Christmas to me right now, even as I rush to finish gifts that need to be mailed (by this weekend! ahhhhhh!).

I find myself not even interested in listening to the local radio station that plays nothing but Christmas Carols between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Unless it's a religious carol, I'm just not interested. (Go figure that one!)

Hoping to find the spirit soon...
Nimitz' Lady

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