Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Reward: Foooooood!

For the last several days I've been running around in a frenetic frenzy trying to get everything DONE. But everytime I think I'm over the hump, a new to-do list springs out to slap me in the face!

This morning I arose at the un-holy hour of 8 a.m. (remember I'm at work until 11pm or midnight) and started wrapping presents.

Once JBP got up, it was off to UPS to ship presents. Shipping costs at least as much as worth of gifts!

Then shopping for baking that needed to be done for the office party this afternoon.

Then, off to drop off some rental movies. Halfway to the movie store I realize I've forgotten baking items. So we stop at the *other grocery store near the movie store and shop some more.

Drop off the movies and head home to start baking.

Pick up Oma/MIL from the hotel. More baking.

Pack my gym bag (I am trying), finish baking, pack the cookies up, pack the boy up and head off to day care and work in a daze.

My reward for this morning's marathon? A spread like I haven't seen in forever. I've been stuffing my face since I walked in. Ironically (or not so) I'm not the least interested in the baked goods. I want the crackers, cheese, carrots, cider. And I'm having it! Diet rules be damned. I need some comfort!

Just take a look at what's still on the to-do list:

  • Put up Christmas tree & decorate house
  • Make Der Deutscher's, JBP's and Grammy's gifts
  • Make cookies for JBP's day care class
  • Shop for items for Christmas dinner
  • Balance checkbook and pull $$$ out of bodily crevices to pay for all this
  • Make Christmas dinner
  • Find the Christmas spirit, somewhere!

Nimitz' Lady

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