Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I made a cameo appearance in the 6pm news tonight. And I wasn't looking my best, to say the least.

The story? A piece on how local gyms are so busy with folks trying to lose that Christmas weight. Not very original. In fact, we do the same story every year around this time. But still the truth none-the-less.

Anyway, I happened to be at the gym the photog(rapher) went to to get the story. I was running the track as part of my Boot Camp class when he showed up. The first shot he got was a nice long one of me running right at the camera!

Needless to say the @#^#%^&*^ used it in the 6pm story.

It was bad enough they had to use a shot of big-ol'-lug me running. Not elegant at the best of times.

But today I'd barely made it to the gym and was wearing some ratty old workout clothes (as opposed to a couple of relatively cute workout outfits I've got).

Then, the photog had to go and shoot the video more than halfway through the class, so I was all sweaty and beet-red in the face.

Not a pretty picture. But I guess it was news 'cause it made the air.

At least I now have proof I actually do exercise, despite my girth.
Nimitz' Lady

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