Since I'm just plain too exhausted to come up with anything to write about, since I've been just too... well... exhausted... to think, I'm taking a leaf from Cubbiegirl's book and doing this Christmas meme. BTW, what's a %^*$^#%#@ meme? Can anyone tell me? Please!!!!!
Okay, I put Sybill back in her cage. Now on to answer some Christmassy questions:
Colored Lights or White?
White, all the way. It just seems more Christmassy and less neon-y to me.
Real tree or fake tree?
Fake. I actually prefer a real tree but bought a fake one last year because it's supposed to be better for JBP's and Der Deutcher's allergies. The things I do for love. At least there're no needles to vaccuum up everyday.
What is your least favorite thing about the holidays?
Shopping. The crowds, the long lines, the un-ending, desperate search for the perfect gift that doesn't exist. Which is why this year I'm making all my gifts.
What is the one thing that you would like to see under the tree this year?
A big fat check that would mean I didn't have to spend the next two to three years saving up to even get Der Deutscher to begin discussing adoption.
What is your favorite thing to do/build in the snow?
Then: snowforts, with tunnels!
Now: snow angels
What is your favorite holiday drink?
Peppermint cocoa, closely followed by Starbuck's peppermint mocha!
What is your favorite holiday smell?
Christmassy baking. The vanilla, the cinnamon, the chocolate. I'm gaining weight just thinking about it!
Who is your favorite reindeer?
Hunh? What do reindeer have to do with Christmas?
What is your Christmas Eve ritual?
We usually invite a bunch of people over, folks who live too far away to go home for Christmas, have a big family dinner, read the Christmas story in the Bible then open presents. This is, mostly, a tradition from Der Deutscher's family. The guests are added from my family's traditions.
Are you a Friday after Thanksgiving shopper?
No way! You wouldn't catch me buying a stick of butter the day after Thanksgiving! Well, unless we're in Europe, where they don't have such foolishness.
What is your favorite holiday food?
Any of it! All of it! Especially if it includes chocolate. And peppermint. Maybe that explains my ever-expanding waistline. Must. Get. Back. To. The. Gym.
How did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
Santa? Who's Santa?
Who do you want to be under the mistletoe with?
Der Deutscher, who else?
Have you bought all your presents yet?
Yes. Unfortunately, I decided to make all my presents this year. So I've bought the fixings and must now get to the fixin' part! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Do you spend Christmas with a lot of family?
Actually, not really. Although Der Deutscher and I both have quite large extended families we don't live near most of them. Perhaps that's why I have a tendency to invite strays over to celebrate with. Usually it's just me, Der Deutscher, JBP, Grammy & Aunty Wowis. This year Oma/MIL is joining us as well.
Do you still make snowmen and snow angels?
Rarely. It doesn't snow often enough or stick around long enough here for me to get the time off work to just go out and play in the snow.
What's your favorite Christmas movie?
The Gift of the Magi
What do you plan to do for New Year's Eve?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever gotten for Christmas?
A used book. It was a nice gesture from a college friend who couldn't afford much and knew I liked to read. So he gave me a book he'd read. Unfortunately, not my taste (and really torn up book, too).
What's the most expensive thing you've gotten for Christmas?
I'm sure it's something from Der Deutscher. He's always buying me jewelry. But, for much of it I have no idea on the cost, cause I suck at that type of thing and could really care less how much something cost, anyway.
How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
I sleep in. The advantages of celebrating/opening gifts on Christmas Eve. Nothing to get up early for and a kid with lots of new toys to keep him occupied!
What do you usually get in your stocking?
Stocking? What do stockings have to do with Christmas? Actually, we do sort of do the stocking thing. We've got to use our fireplace for something after all. It's usually little candies, perfumes, lotions, that sort of thing. Not much.
What about you?
Nimitz' Lady
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