Friday, December 16, 2005


Since our european trip, and even a little before it, JBP has gotten quite sensitive to foreign languages. Meaning he's identifying when something isn't English and asking how to say things in other languages, notably Spanish and German.

This is a far cry from his reaction as an infant when Der Deutscher and I tried to speak to him in Spanish and German. Then he would just wail, non-stop, until we gave up and spoke English to him again. (The one exception being when I sang Frey Felipe to him. He calls it his Sleepy Song.)

Anyway, back to my story. This morning, on our way back from the grocery store, the radio announcer was telling us the name of the next Christmas Carol they were going to play. It was a German carol. Sorry, I can't remember what it was. Can't say I was really paying any attention.

But JBP was. He piped up, "That was German, wasn't it Mommy?" He'd managed to identify one sentence of German in a barrage of English! My smart little boy.

Nimitz' Lady

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