Friday, December 02, 2005

Bible Study

I belong to a Women's Bible Study at my church. It meets on a weekday morning and is, therefore, all stay-at-home moms. Except for me, of course.

This last week we were discussing how the smaller group and discussions of the bible studies have allowed us to connect in a way none of us does in church. Many of us just go to church, maybe stop to say "Hi", then go home.

The whole thing just drove home to me how important inter-personal communication is to everyone, but especially to women. God urged us to fellowship with other believers for a reason. And when he said fellowship, he didn't mean show up at church for an hour, listen to the pastor and go home.

Nimitz' Lady

p.s. I know there was something more I was going to say about the bible study, but for the life of me can't remember what!

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