Monday, January 09, 2006

Winter's Return

What the h-e-double-hockey sticks?!?!

Sabbath JBP was in a Basketball jersey, and nothing else, and perfectly comfortable. I was on the verge of sweating even, Ms. Perpetually Cold. I mean, we're talking mid-70's!

Yesterday it was still nice enough to wander around at the zoo without a coat on. (Given, I should've taken a sweater, but still!)

This morning I left the house for the gym in my normal gym clothes plus sweater jacket. And FROZE!

Tonight they're talking snow! What the ^%^#$^^&*? You'd think it was actually winter around here or something. What's up with that? Nobody said winter could come back. He had his chance and blew it, now SCRAM!

Someone bring me some hot chocolate. Please. Pretty please.

Nimitz' Lady

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