Monday, January 02, 2006


Yesterday, Der Deutscher and I finally made it to the theatre to watch The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

Let me preface all of this by saying I looooove the Narnia books. I grew up reading and re-reading them. And have already begun reading them to my five year old son.

That being so, I knew I couldn't love the movie. Any time you translate a written story to a visual medium things must change.

Sometimes, as in the Lord of the Ring series, you can keep the changes quite minor, almost unnoticeable. But for a true lover of the series, it doesn't matter how minor the changes are, they'll be noticeable and annoying, at best.

So I walked into Narnia knowing that, at best, it would be, for me, good. And that's what it was. A good movie.

It will never be great in my book. The writers/ director/ producers made too many changes, several of them completely unnecessary, and left out too many important scenes for my taste. (I won't go into details so as not to ruin the movie for those of you who haven't read the books, or don't remember all the little details from the books.)

However, the movie they produced is a good movie. It's entertaining, it gets the point across (assuming you go in knowing what the point is... cause they've removed all the relevant language. You just have to figure it out from the action.) and it's not too long.

So, my verdict: good but not, never, great.

Nimitz' Lady

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