Monday, January 16, 2006

The Concert

As you may remember I went to a Bon Jovi concert this weekend. What a blast!

Here's a recap of events:

The band may have been at this for more than 20 years, but they obviously love what they do! It shows in everything from the way they play (instruments) to the way they play (with the audience).

Twice Jon Bon Jovi disappeared from stage to reappear in the middle of the crowd for a song or two. Both times making his way back to the stage by walking through the crowd.

The second time a woman handed him a rose. He grabbed her by the cheeks and planted a big one on her lips. She looked like she was about to faint.

They (the bouncers) would also occasionally allow a couple dozen folks up onto the stage wings to dance and cheer and Jon and Richie (Sambora) would come over and make sure they shook hands with everyone there.

Several times as they would turn around to head back to center stage some intrepid young fan would grab a handful of "star". It never faced them. Although I'm willing to bet at least a couple of those girls will never wash their hands again! =)

And the acting! As Der Deutscher said, it's no wonder Jon's been able to make a movie career on the side. He is one heck of an actor. His second song was one of the old favorites, Shot Through the Heart. His look of surprise when the audience drowned him out singing along was priceless. And you know by now he knows the audience knows these old standbyes.

One thing I found sooooo cool about the concert was the extreme range of ages among the fans. There were folks in their 40s and 50s all the way down to an 8 year old boy sitting (okay, standing) front and center. Jon took about five minutes out of the concert to single this kid out and talk to him from the stage.

The only down side to the whole thing, other than the night having to end of course, was my shoes. I wore these really cool heels I bought in Europe. They're actually very comfortable for heels. I can walk all the way downtown and back in them without wincing. What I discovered I can't do is stand in one small area dancing for two hours in them. By the time we got back to the hotel room I swear both of my little toes were bruised and numb!

Overall it was a great weekend and well worth the money.

Nimitz' Lady

P.S. Bon Jovi is soooo cooll they even allow fans to bring cameras to the concert. I can't remember the last time a performance of any sort allowed cameras. I'm just p.o.'d Der Deutscher and I never even conceived of the notion of taking a camera into the show!

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