Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Shift Change

I've been putting this post off for about two hours now. I've talked occasionally about the pending sale of my TV station.

Well, the second shoe fell today and it fell hard. Layoffs have begun.

No, I did not lose my job. I did however officially lose my job title as Nightside Manager.

Although I'm keeping my pay and benefits (at least until my contract runs out in July) my new job is the Morning Show Producer. This is the show usually given to the least experience producer in the cadre because it requires the last amount of work. It's mostly a matter of re-writing stories from the night before and re-cueing tapes.

Our show is longer than any other morning show I've ever filled in on but it's mostly a repeat-every-half-hour-type-deal.

I'm not really too worried about the actual execution, at least after the first show or two.

Actually, my first response to the news was an impulse to wail, "But I wanted to be bought out!"

The new company could've chosen to pay off my contract and dispense with my services. Hey, I could handle that. Paid to stay home for a month or two, then to job search for three or four months. Sounded good to me.

Instead I'm going to have to drag my butt out of bed at 11pm and work a midnight to 8 a.m. shift.

See this rambling? That's why I've been avoiding this post. I figured out exactly how I feel about all this, or what all it's going to do to my life, so it's tough to write coherently about it.

The ultimate topper? We still don't know exactly when all these changes will take place. Whenever the sale is final. That could be next Friday, it could be two weeks from now. We just don't know.

Nimitz' Lady

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