Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm Back

Sorry so long with no updates. Between the new work schedule and my resulting semi-depression I just didn't feel like being jolly for all you internets. Sorry. I'll try harder next time. If I feel like it. (Notice the dripping sarcasm yet?)

Anyway, I've completed two whole morning shows and it doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would but it does suck worse. The shows are relatively easy, 90% cut and paste. The problem is A) I'm constantly exhausted from working overnights and never getting a decent night's (day's, whatever) sleep and B) everyone else insists on doing things in the most difficult way possible.

This is a two hour show. Generally for a newscast you have one rundown that shows what you're putting in the show, in which order, from beginning to end. However, our computer system won't let us have a big enough rundown to fit an entire two hour show in it. So we have to have two run downs, or find a way to jury-rig the single rundown.

Rather than go with the simplest format of just using two rundowns everyone else on the shift insists on the jury-rigged version that only half works. Like I said, gotta do things the hard way!

I did have all sorts of things I wanted to write about our trip weekend before last to Colorado but by now most of it has faded into the nether realms of my memory (never the most reliable at the best of times).

So, here's the short version:

I got way bad sick on the way out there. I'm talking halfway there I'm making Der Deutscher stop at every way station we can find so I can puke my guts out. This lasted through game day. Der Deutscher then proceeded to get the same sort of sick as soon as I started getting better. The good news is that JBP never caught "it", whatever "it" was.

The Game
It was a great game. Good offense, solid defense. A good road win. Now if we could just start winning at home this could be a great season. Due to being sick, I pretty much just cheered the first half of the game. Once it was obvious they were going to win (you know, a 20 point lead) I kind of just sat there in a stupor for the rest of the game.

Swimming, Sledding & Cousins
Whenever we travel overnight and stay in a hotel I must make sure the hotel has a swimming pool or JBP would disown me! He loves swimming. Despite not feeling so hot we did manage to take him to the pool once in the afternoon and then again the next morning. Mostly he plays in the hot tub. The pools are usually too cool for him.

After the game we headed south to visit his Three Cousins. They're actually my cousin's three boys, ages 5, 6 and 7! JBP adores visiting them. The last time we dropped in was nearly two years ago. He was just three and a half at the time and was still talking about it when we planned this trip!

Anyway, since they live in Colorado and Colorado usually has snow and JBP has been dying/begging/demanding to go sledding since the leaves started changing colors we brought his sled along.

My Cousin, her husband and I took the four boys out sledding and they, strike that, we all had a blast. I haven't gone sledding since I was in college. But JBP was a little frightened by the speed and steepness of the hill so I was commanded to "go with" him.

All was well until his sled busted on a particularly bumpy ride down the hill. You've never seen such a broken hearted little boy. Now all he asks is when are we going to get him a new sled. Nevermind that there's nowhere to use it near home!

While in Colorado we stopped by the Olympic Training Center, learned a little bit about how U.S. athletes train for the games and spent waaaaay too much money in the gift shop.

That's about it. I'm sure I'll think of more sooner or later but right now my brain is just a bowl of sleep-deprived mush.

Nimitz' Lady

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