The Chinese have an ancient curse, May you live in interesting times. My life has been little but interesting times. And today was no exception.
It all started with a 2:30 a.m. call from a frantic morning producer, alone at the station with FOUR breaking news stories at once. I rushed in to help. Three hours later, I headed home, helped walk the dogs, then caught a nap.
I meant to get up again at 8:30 and go to the gym. I tried. Really, I did. But I didn't manage to drag my posterior out of bed until 10:30. JBP was a real jewel, letting me sleep while he watched PBS Kids and Disney channel. He never complained once.
I crawled out of bed just in time to head over to Sam's Club, buy a bunch of bottled water and canned soup and take it over to my station. We're holding a drive to collect needed goods to help the folks down on the Gulf Coast. JBP had a real blast helping load the goods into the semi tractor trailer. Too bad he couldn't keep himself from tossing the gravel and getting into trouble. =)
Then, we went BACK to Sam's Club to pick up four rolls of developed film. There are lots of new pictures of JBP and family over on Flickr. Check them out.
Anyway, I finally got to work only to be run ragged with cut-ins all afternoon and evening, updating the situation on the Gulf Coast.
Then, as it looked like things might finally be calming down after the show. A viewer calls in to complain. The reporter was upset about the allegations being made against him. A real hullaballoo. I finally got it straightened out, more or less, shortly before midnight.
So, now I head home for a glorious 6 day weekend. See you later!
Nimitz' Lady
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