Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Interesting Times

The Chinese have an ancient curse, May you live in interesting times. My life has been little but interesting times. And today was no exception.

It all started with a 2:30 a.m. call from a frantic morning producer, alone at the station with FOUR breaking news stories at once. I rushed in to help. Three hours later, I headed home, helped walk the dogs, then caught a nap.

I meant to get up again at 8:30 and go to the gym. I tried. Really, I did. But I didn't manage to drag my posterior out of bed until 10:30. JBP was a real jewel, letting me sleep while he watched PBS Kids and Disney channel. He never complained once.

I crawled out of bed just in time to head over to Sam's Club, buy a bunch of bottled water and canned soup and take it over to my station. We're holding a drive to collect needed goods to help the folks down on the Gulf Coast. JBP had a real blast helping load the goods into the semi tractor trailer. Too bad he couldn't keep himself from tossing the gravel and getting into trouble. =)

Then, we went BACK to Sam's Club to pick up four rolls of developed film. There are lots of new pictures of JBP and family over on Flickr. Check them out.

Anyway, I finally got to work only to be run ragged with cut-ins all afternoon and evening, updating the situation on the Gulf Coast.

Then, as it looked like things might finally be calming down after the show. A viewer calls in to complain. The reporter was upset about the allegations being made against him. A real hullaballoo. I finally got it straightened out, more or less, shortly before midnight.

So, now I head home for a glorious 6 day weekend. See you later!

Nimitz' Lady

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