Thursday, August 11, 2005

Extra Edition


My son got to walk SE, our older dog, today! He was so excited.

My Mom, who lives with us, was at the hospital with my Aunt, who was having surgery (nothing serious). So, there was no one home to watch JBP while my Husband walked the dogs.

So, my Husband gave JBP the leash to our older, slower dog, SE. She's 14 yrs old now and has lost the will to jerk the person on the other end of the leash off their feet.

JBP has wanted to help walk the dogs since he learned to walk. I arrived home for my supper break in time to see JBP and my Husband rounding the corner to home.

JBP had the biggest smile on his face I've seen in a long time. He yelled, "Mama, I'm walking SE!"

My Husband always releases the dogs from their leashes when he gets to the end of our driveway. When he unleashed JA, the younger dog, JBP leaned over and carefully took off SE's leash.

When we all went inside he told me, "SE thinks I'm her puppy. But, I'm not really a puppy."

Oh, Happy Day!

Nimitz' Lady

P.S. In the pictures on the righthand of the page, SE is the black lab mix standing up, JA is the brindled lab mix lying down.

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