Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Planner extraodinaire, a.k.a. Temporary OCD

I've often said I'm selectively compulsive. Sometimes I'd swear I've got a temporary case of Obssessive Compulsive Disorder.

When it comes to work, and school work, everything MUST be perfect, or it doesn't pass my basic measure of acceptability. Needless to say this made for an extremely miserable honor student, whenever I got, oh say, an A-! (note the sarcasm here!)

This rule, of course, only applies to me. I, oh so graciously, allow others to be humanly imperfect.

But, in everything else in my life, good enough will do. e.g. I've always said my house is o.k. messy, but it's not allowed to be dirty. That's just plain unhealthy.

Occasionally however, I reach the obssessively compulsive stage, usually when planning a big event, such as a trip overseas, my wedding, etc.

My husband and I are currently planning a trip to Europe. I won't get more specific for security's sake.

Anyway, the trip isn't until November and I've already written up a packing list. I've got a perfectly good reason, we're going away for 10 days, one man, one woman and a child. I want to make sure we've got everything we need, without dragging giant, heavy suitcases along. After all, we're not going for 10 months, just 10 days.

On the other hand, the trip is still 3 and a half MONTHS away and I've ALREADY got a packing list.

Nimitz' Lady

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