Monday, November 07, 2005

Things I love..

Der Deutscher is a genius at coming up with the perfect gift for any occasion. He's a man who'll spend weeks working on a gift and have it ready to go months ahead of time.

Me, not so much. I try to get him things I think he'll like. But, no matter how much I try, I just can't seem to get in gear more than a week or two ahead of schedule. For his birthday this year, I was shopping at midnight the night before for his gift. I'd known what I was going to get him for weeks. I just hadn't gotten it yet. Luckily, it was a hit. Probably the most used gift I've ever given him. (It was a five gallon hexagonal fish tank.)

Anyway, what this is all about is I'm actually on the ball this year. It's only the beginning of November and I'm already working on his Christmas gift. Of course, he's probably already got my gift wrapped and waiting somewhere in his black hole of a closet.

Here's the problem: I'm putting together, with my aunt's help, a day planner titled "365 Things I Love About You". Each day includes something I love about him, like the fact he always does the dishes. But, I'm only through March, about 60 days, and I'm starting to find it hard not to repeat myself. Argghhh! Must keep finding things to love about my hubby and fast!

Nimitz' Lady


Anonymous said...

I take it he doesn't read your blog? If he ever does, you've just given away his present.


Pilarcita said...

No, he doesn't read my blog. We don't have online access at home and he refuses to even tempt fate by looking at a blog at work.

The long and short of it is, my secret's safe!