Friday, November 11, 2005

Politics & Laughs

Here are a couple of AP wires I found interesting and/or hilarious. Check them out. --Nimitz' Lady

Majority questions Bush administration ethics in a time of war

WASHINGTON (AP) - A new survey finds almost six in ten Americans do not think President Bush is honest.
The A-P-Ipsos poll also shows the same number don't think the Bush administration has high ethical standards.
The loss of trust complicates Bush's efforts to rebuild his standing with the public. The new poll has his overall job approval rating stuck at 37 percent. That's the lowest it's been.
On terrorism and foreign policy, which have been among Bush's strong points in the polls, only about four-in-ten now approve.
The A-P-Ipsos survey puts the Iraq war at the core of the public's displeasure.
And more than eight in ten people describe Bush as "stubborn." Almost as many Republicans as Democrats agree with that description.

(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


HILLSDALE, Mich. (AP) - So what do you want to be when you grow p?
Michael Sessions of Hillsdale, Michigan, may not have to wait to find out. He's 18 and he's hanging on to a two-vote lead in the race for mayor.
The county clerk says the official tally from Tuesday's election shows 668 votes for incumbent Doug Ingles and 670 for Sessions.
Sessions paid for his door-to-door campaign with 700 dollars he saved up from a summer job.
Ingles has until next Wednesday to ask for a recount.
But the apparent win was good enough to get Sessions on the "Late Show with David Letterman" for a Top Ten list of "Good Things About Being an 18-year-old Mayor."
Number ten was, "Parents try to tell me what to do, I raise their taxes." Number one: "It's flattering when President Bush calls me for advice."

(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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