Sunday, November 27, 2005

Tag #9

Lobster (11-27-05)
JBP woke us up early this morning. It all started with the slap, slap, slap of his barefeet on the wood floors. He slapped his way down the (short) hall, into our room and up to our bed.

The following conversation ensued:

JBP: Dada, do you like lobster?

Der Deutscher: I've never had lobster. Why are you up so early?

JBP: I dreamed about lobster.

Der Deutscher: Was it a bad dream? A good dream? An interesting one?

JBP: It was about lobsters..... and spaghetti. (pause) Lobsters. Yuck!

Then he turned around and headed downstairs. It was only 8:30 a.m. (Hey! We've been sleeping until at least 10 since arriving!)

Locked Out
When JBP got downstairs (one flight) he discovered he was locked out of the kitchen.

To put things in perspective, Opa and Ms Gudi's house is a four level home with the laundry in the basement, Mika (Ms Gudi's brother) on the ground floor, the kitchen-dining room, living room and Opa and Ms Gudi's bedroom on the first floor (that would be the second floor for you americans =) and us in the guest rooms w/ bathroom on the top floor.

The stairwell is unheated. Opa and Ms Gudi occasionally close their door (and lock it) to keep the drafts out. It also effectively keeps JBP out.

So, he rang the doorbell. That didn't work. Then he started jiggling the door handle and knocking. Still didn't work.

By then, of course, we were wide awake. Well, at least Der Deutscher was. I was aware.

Der Deutscher called JBP to us and asked him what was up. He explained the door was locked and he was HUNGRY! So Der Deutscher crawled out of bed, got dressed and headed to the bakery just down the street for breakfast. I love Europe!

Overnight the snow melted. When Der Deutscher left for breakfast there was nothing on the ground and nothing coming from the sky.

After breakfast however, it started snowing again. Big fat flakes. I mean really big. This time I got out the videocamera and got a couple minutes of video (along with a shot of Der Deutscher crawling back into bed.)

I explained to him how I'd tried to take a still photo yesterday of the snow and it didn't work. I said I probably didn't have the camera on the right shutter speed.

However, Der Deutscher took the comment as a slam at his camera, hopped back out of bed, grabbed his camera and proceeded to take a picture of the snow, on the right shutter speed.

Just goes to show him. I got the picture I wanted without having to learn anymore about his danged camera! pflbt!

Well, with our flight leaving at 7:25 a.m. tomorrow morning and the airport being more than a half hour away, we've already started packing.

When we came, we deliberately came with stuff we could've stuffed into one suitcase spread between two large suitcases with two smaller ones stuffed in as well. I haven't even touched the clothing yet and the two big suitcases are already almost full. I don't know how we're going to make it!

We have done (and enjoyed) most of the things we'd planned to do while here. However, there are a few things that will simply have to be let undone.

JBP did not get to ride the trains. That'll have to wait for his next trip to Europe. As will a castle with crenellation and towers. We never got around to that either.

I miscalculated and didn't get the last of my chocolate shopping done, oh horrors! But we have hopes of being able to finish that up at the duty free shop at the airport. Wish us luck.

I probably won't get to post again until I go back to work on Thursday, so take care. I'll let you know all about the return trip then (on a proper keyboard). Wish us luck!

Nimitz' Lady

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