He shoots! He scores! He's getting a big head. JBP was instrumental in his team's second win of their mini-season (22 to 18). He scored almost exactly 50% of the points on the board this weekend, we lost count at one point, along with grabbing defensive and offensive rebounds like crazy and making good defensive plays.
He and the coach's daughter were the only two to get on the board this time around, and he knows it!
As we were leaving he started talking about, "JBP wins the game!"
Der Deutscher and I immediately jumped in with, "No, the Blue Team won the game. You played an important part in that, but your team won." He's not so sure he buys that. This is the downside of JBP being one of only two consistent scorers on the team and is exactly what Der Deutscher was afraid of after the first practice.
The good news, JBP will miss the next game, cause we'll be in Europe. (Yes, I intend to continue blogging while overseas, assuming I can find internet access.) He'll also miss the final game of their mini-season cause we'll be in Ames cheering on the Ladies.
So, JBP only has one game left. And, due to the Cyclone's season and our traveling to away games through January and February, we've decided not to sign JBP up for the next "season".
Hopefully by the "spring" season, assuming we sign up and I can get him on a team with first-thing-in-the-morning-games, JBP will have gotten over his ever enlarging noggin.
Nimitz' Lady
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