Last night, JBP wanted to eat some grapes. This after he'd quaffed three glasses of cider and eaten at least two apples.
In fear of an explosive diarrhea situation, I nixed the grapes and told him to find something with some protein in it.
He came back with some Turkey slices (kept in the fridge for JBP and Der Deutscher, since the rest of the family is vegetarian).
JBP crawled up onto the loveseat next to me. His dish of choice immediately captured Nimitz' attention (he was sitting on my lap).
Since JBP adores having feline attention, he immediately began *sharing* the turkey. A few minutes later Ja, the younger lab mix, noticed the meat filled handouts and begged some for herself.
Suddenly I was having a flashback to our first Thanksgiving out of the dorms. Despite the aforementioned vegetarian lifestyle, I cooked Der Deutscher a whole turkey that year (and several after it).
He sat down on the LazyBoy with a plateful of turkey and was immediately surrounded by a still-kitten Nimitz, Se our older lab and Singer (our housemate's ancient siamese cat).
The feeding went something like this: 1 bite for Singer, 1 for Se, 1 for Nimitz, 2 for Der Deutscher. Repeat.
It was an absolutely hilarious site and JBP repeated it last night. So cute!
Nimitz' Lady
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