Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Hey, I've complained about being tired for so long I figured I'd better find a new way to say it.

Exhausted, fatigued, weary, all in, depleted, sapped, enervated, deblitated, bushed, dead-beat, done in, played out, ready to drop, fagged, dog tired, spent, tuckered out, washed out, worn out, prostrated, bedraggled, haggard... I could keep going here, but I think you get the idea.

Anyway, this is just a giant way to apologize for the lack of posts. And to those who signed up for e-mails alerting you to recent posts, I apologize as well. Even when I could remember what I wanted to say long enough to get the computer turned on and warmed up I couldn't remember to hit the *other website to send the alerts.

Hopefully things will improve next week when I'm back on a day shift. Or a night shift. Still trying to figure out the day care issues. We'll see.

Nimitz' Lady

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