Ok, so just as I'm starting, mind you just starting, to settle into the new schedule the boss asks me to call him sometime today when I'm not sleeping.
When I get ahold of him, he tells me one of the other producers has had a family situation come up that has necessitated her requesting to work the morning shift.
Now, they want to move me to the 6pm newscast (an 8:30am to 6:30pm shift). He's trying to be flexible and has offered to let me work it as a swing shift instead, 1:30pm to 9:30pm, and act as a manager for the 10pm after I'm done with the 6pm. He actually prefers that.
The problem is, the one thing I liked about the morning shift was being able to be with my husband in the morning, cook supper for my family and be there to eat it with them in the evening. I've literally been reveling in that this last week or so.
I feel like I'm finally part of a family again, not just a boarder/babysitter who occasionally sleeps with her landlord.
If I say I want to do the standard 8:30 to 6:30 shift, he'll accept that. He already knows I'm only temporary anyway. As soon as I find something else, I'm out of there.
But, the standard shift would involve new childcare issues for JBP. I WILL NOT put him into school at this age and finding a day care that will take him all day is not only next to impossible it's financially unfeasible at this time. There are a couple ladies at church who are certified elementary teachers who are homeschooling their own children. I'm going to check with them and see if one will add JBP to their classes for the same price I've been paying for daycare.
I have until the end of February to figure out how to work this. Hopefully I can find a way to preserve my evenings with my family. They've suddenly become all important to me. In the meantime, I guess I'll just wear my knees out praying God will lead me to a better job. Maybe even better pay? =)
Nimitz' Lady
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