Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Book Dreams

It's been awhile since I've done this, so here's my latest list of books I wish to (or have) read. As always, I haven't read most of them so I take no responsibility for their quality. They just look interesting to me based on what I've read about them. --Nimitz' Lady
"What Do Lutherans Believe" by Walter Snyder

"Dr. Bessie: The Life Story and Romance of a Pioneer Lady Doctor on Our Western and the Canadian Frontier " by Bessie Lee (Efner) Rehwinkel and her husband, the Rev. Dr. Alfred M. Rehwinkel

"e." by Matt Beaumont

***"The Dance of Time" by Eric Flint & David Drake

"Engaging the Enemy" by Elizabeth Moon (March 2006)

"1634: The Ram Rebellion" by Eric Flint (April 25, 2006)

"In Fury Born" by David Weber (April 2006)

"Girl Meets God" by Lauren F. Winner

"Real Sex" by Lauren F. Winner

"All Your Worth : The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan" by Elizabeth Warren

"The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke" by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi

"Are You in the Mood?" by Stephanie Lehmann

"Call Me Madame President" by Sue Pyatt

"It's a Boy" by Andrea Buchanan

"God's Secretaries : The Making of the King James Bible" by Adam Nicolson

*** I've actually read this one.

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