Friday, April 07, 2006

Paid Off!

As of this morning my school loans are paid off. That's it. My debts are gone. Well, except the house. No car loan, no couch loan, no credit card debt, no school loan! Debt Free!!!!!!!

It feels so good!

And it's all possible thanks to the big tax refund we're getting this year. This was the first year since we left Iowa we're getting money back from the state. Previously, we've gotten just enough back from the feds to pay off the tax preparer and the state tax bill.

This year we're getting a nice fat check from Uncle Sam and the state and it's enabled me to become debt free about two to three years ahead of schedule. Halleluia! God is good.

Nimitz' Lady

P.S. Of course, Der Deutscher is already making noises about buying a new car for me, now that we've got everything paid off. His reason: my car is "falling apart faster than (I'm) willing to admit". I just want to enjoy being debt free for awhile and maybe even save up a little bit.

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