Did you know dogs could get allergies? I didn't either. But it looks like Ja, our younger lab mix, has them in spades.
Last summer, she started itching and scratching like crazy. I mean non-stop. It went away after we gave her an industrial strength flea treatment so we thought it was just a reaction to the fleas.
But, she's been at it again this summer and driving us up the wall while she's at it. And, she's got no fleas that we've been able to find.
We used the extra-special, uber-strength flea treatment at the beginning of the summer and it seems to have held. (Although in the last couple of weeks our other dog Se has started scratching a lot too, and my Mom says she's seen a flea in the house. Eeek!) So, that leaves allergies. Well, she fits in with the rest of the family, I guess.
Our two cats don't really get along. We've had Nimitz since 1994 and just added Chicken Cat January of last year. While Nimitz is overall a friendly cat, with lots of cat buddies throughout the neighborhood, he hasn't adjusted well to having another feline in his home. Worse yet, in his mommy's lap and in his bed!
Chicken Cat meanwhile just wants Nimitz to play. Since he won't join of his own volition, she ambushes him into playing with her. Makes for some interesting evenings when they get going.
Last weekend, Nimitz came home from his rounds to find Chicken Cat stretched out in the sunshine spot on our bed. He was not amused.
Rather than take it out on her, he's punishing those he blames for her presence, namely us! He's doing this by going where he knows he's not allowed. Such as on the Kitchen Counter and the Dinner Table. Preferably when there's food on them. He doesn't eat, just contaminates. And if caught out, just stares at us defiantly.
Kids say the darndest things. Did I spell that right?
Anyway, this morning, JBP and I were on our way to the grocery store for our weekly shopping expedition. Our conversation went something like this:
JBP: While we're there why don't we buy something.
Nimitz' Lady: We're going grocery shopping. We're going to be buying lots of things.
JBP: No, I mean for me! Like a toy.
Nimitz' Lady: No, I'm not buying you any toys today.
JBP: But I want one!
Nimitz' Lady: Look at that cool car. (appeared to be a Model T to my untrained eyes) It's one of the first types of cars ever made, back in the olden days.
JBP: I'm not looking.
Nimitz' Lady: If you want to cut off your nose to spite your face, that's your choice.
JBP: I 'pite my face. I'm very angry.
Nimitz' Lady
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