I've been tagged, informally. So here it is, the Five Things Meme.
Five things you have but you do not want
1. 45 pounds of fat
2. dirty floors
3. my job
4. emotional scarring
5. an addictive personality
Five things you want but you do not have
1. a new job
2. a sleek, fit body
3. a daughter
4. peace of mind
5. more time to spend with my son & husband
Five things you would like to know more about
1. parenting
2. adoption
3. translating
4. the Bible & God
5. German
Five important lessons you have learned
1. If it doesn't endanger your eternal life it's not worth getting upset about.
2. I had a decent body when I was a teen. Too bad I didn't realize it until it was gone.
3. Children and family are more important than money or position.
4. Physical beauty will only get you unwanted attention.
5. I can do anything if I try hard enough.
Five of your favorite memories
1. Being pregnant and my son's birth
2. Meeting my husband (and any time after that spent cuddling with him)
3. Traveling overseas (any and every time)
4. My time at WOI-TV
5. The 1999-2000 Iowa State Women's Basketball season (any and every game!)
Five things you are looking forward to
1. The Second Coming
2. Not caring anymore about my weight
3. Bringing a daughter home (assuming Der Deutscher ever agrees to adopt)
4. Traveling to L.A. to visit my dad in August
5. Retirement
Five things you would like to forget
1. The emotional torment that was most of high school and the people who inflicted it
2. The times I've hurt my husband
3. My sins
4. The Serial Killer hearings last summer
5. My love of food
So, that's it. Now, you're it!
Nimitz' Lady
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