Friday, July 28, 2006

Sad Week

This has been a sad week for our family. Der Deutscher's stepmother's father died, Der Deutscher's aunt died and now news that my Great Aunt (on my mother's side) is dying of cancer. It's so far advanced doctors say there's nothing they can do but make her comfortable.

My mother and Aunt Wowis (as I used to call her)have rented a car and are headed cross-country to say good-bye.

I'd be going with them if it weren't for the already planned trip to go visit my father -- who is also in the hospital dealing with problems with a shunt in his brain. The consensus is he's too stubborn to stay in bed until it heals properly and keeps re-damaging the wound.

But, if he's still in the hospital we'll be getting a hotel room (financial ouch!) rather than messing up my stepmother's home.

At any rate, what was supposed to be a simple trip to visit my father has become fraught with all other sorts of nuances, innuendos and details.

Here's hoping all goes well. At least as well as can be expected. Almost time to go home and pack.

Nimitz' Lady

Interview Time

The principal has decided to go ahead and interview me while we're waiting to find out on the pay/certification issues. I get the feeling he really wants me, he's just got to figure out how. Anyway, I interview for that position Monday at 7AM, seeing as how I have to be at work by 8:30.

And, because I refuse to put all my eggs in one basket, I applied for a couple more positions this morning -- a reporter job at a local Spanish station and a pr job at another local University Medical College.

The University just called me asking to do a phone interview next week. So, that's set for Tuesday afternoon.

Who knows, by Wednesday I may have a new job. Wouldn't that be nice?

At any rate next week will be a big one for me. Trip to California to see my dad, two job interviews and the possibility of getting out of my current position, which I am burned out on.

Wish me luck and pray hard!!! Cause I'm relying on God to show me which (assuming I get two offers) is the "right" job for me.

Nimitz' Lady

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Finally Got One Right

I've spent the last hour or so doing Blogthing quizzes to keep from being bored to death, and from freaking out about my possible job change.

Most of the quizzes have not only been wrong, they've been waaaay wrong. Andy Warhol should paint my portrait (hate his work)! I should weigh 145 lbs (haven't seen that since middle school)!

But this quiz actually got me right.

Your Inner European is Spanish!

Energetic and lively.
You bring the party with you!

Nimitz' Lady

Still in Danger

Turns out I spoke too quickly when I said my frieds from Beirut had made it to the States safely. They haven't all made it.

The Husband stayed behind. He still had a job to finish for a Japanese firm. So pray he'll finish quickly and get out safely.

He is staying in the mountains outside Beirut, but still. As of the latest reports (from around noon) the bombing has killed 600 civilians and injured another 1,500.

So, please keep praying for him.

Time to go listen to some classic Bon Jovi for me.
Nimitz' Lady

Hopes and Fears

Well the high school principal got my application and resume today. He called over the lunch hour.

Since it's too late for me to get into the local University's certification-while-teaching program, I'd have to be hired as a long-term sub, which means less money. I'm already looking at a paycut just to get out of the TV news biz.

So, the principal is busy crunching numbers. If he comes up with something we could both agree on, I'll interview.

Right now I'm filled with hopes and fears.

I'm really hoping this works out. If it does, it means by the time I get back from L.A. I'd be at a new job.

I'm relieved I wouldn't have to worry about certification until next summer, which makes me hopeful I might actually be able to handle the job.

I'm afraid I'll get my hopes up too high and something won't work out and I'll be right back at work writing a newscast come Aug. 10th. We'll see.

Pray for me.
Nimitz' Lady

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Perchance to... Teach?

That's right, teach. I have been invited to apply for a local high school's still open Spanish teacher position.

As I am not a certified secondary teacher this is only possible because the position is still open. Classes start mid-August, about three weeks! In other words, they're desperate.

If they offer me the job (duh! Of course, I'm applying!) and if I accept the offer it would, under state law, have to be contingent upon my then beginning to work toward certification.

I checked out what that would mean and: I would have to take three undergraduate classes (college algebra, basic statistics and general psychology) before I'd even be eligible for the local University's teacher certification program!

I don't know. I'd love to be a high school teacher. I've pretty much always seen that as my second career. And Spanish! La lengua de mi alma! In that way it couldn't be a better match.

It's the going back to school thing, while working, that has me concerned. I'm trying to get out of the TV News biz to get away from the awful hours/schedules and be able to spend more time with my family.

Just don't know what I'll do -- assuming this goes beyond the "Sure, send us your resume" stage.

Nimitz' Lady

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I just heard from my friends who lived in Beirut. They've gotten safely out and are in the States. Praise God!

This is what she had to say about the trip:

"I made the horrible evacuation with my children and parent's. It was like going to hell and back."

Thanks for your prayers and support.

Nimitz' Lady

Monday, July 24, 2006

Daddy Time

Ok, I'm scheduled to visit my dad in L.A. next week.

Slight problem, I've tried calling him several times over the last few days and gotten no answer. On Friday, an aunt told my mother he was back in the hospital. But, when I called the hospital they said he'd been released. Meanwhile, I keep calling and leaving messages at his house that never get any responses.

I don't know what's going on.

Is my father seriously ill? Only slightly sick? Dying?

Will he be there for me to visit? Or do I need to book a hotel room (rather then stay with just my stepmother and her sister)?

I don't know what's going on and am starting to get extremely worried.

Nimitz' Lady


Here are a couple links to video of some of the most unprofessional news anchors I've seen in a long time (even if I do agree with their opinions).

Hawaii: This guy is dealing with the same new production system my station got earlier this year. I feel his pain, but you never let it show on air!

Fox News: I feel both her anger and pain every time I have to write a story about these folks. But if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. In other words, if you can't keep your cool at the anchor desk, find another job!

And here's what other pro's think about these clips.

Nimitz' Lady

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Congratulations to Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza, a fellow Boriqua who just won the 2006 Miss Universe title. Not my cup of tea, but to each her own. And it's always good to see a Puerto Rican finish well.

Felicitaciones a Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza, una boriqua como yo quien ha ganado esta noche el titulo de Miss Universe 2006. No es algo que me gustaria, pero a cada persona sus preferencias. Y siempre es bien ver a una puertorriquena se cumple bien.

Nimitz' Lady

No Word

It's been a week since I've heard anything from my friends living in Beirut. The last I heard -- they were trying to get out with the U.S. evacuations.

I just pray that in this case no news is good news and that they're on a ship headed for Cyprus, or on a plane headed to the States, safe and sound.

Nimitz' Lady

Bye-Bye Mommy

My mother, aka Grammy, has been living with us since my son, JBP, was about three months old.

It was never planned to be permanent. First she was just going to stay with us until she could find her own place. But then we figured, we were only going to stay in Iowa a few more months so why waste the money? We ended up in Iowa another year.

And then, when we moved here, we figured it was only temporary until she found a full-time job.

Five years later, she's finally found a full-time job. It's at Kansas State University (so we'll get to visit her when we go to watch the Iowa State Ladies play basketball there) which is about a two to three hour drive from us.

I love my mother. For the most part we're best friends. But we're also mother and daughter and I know we've gotten on each other's nerves occasionally over the last few years.

And I have to admit there will be certain advantages to "being on my own" again.

At the same time, my live-in babysitter is moving out! No more spontaneous runs to the movies, or the grocery store, or anywhere else for that matter!

But when all's said and done, we'll just plain miss her while she's off at college having fun.

Is this what they mean about "raising your parents"? I'm too young to be suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome, dang it!
Nimitz' Lady

Weight Loss

Alright, let's try this again. (For those who didn't catch the goof, I managed to publish the title to this post before writing a single word!)

You may (or not) have noticed a new ticker at the top of the screen. This ticker is how much weight, give or take five pounds, that I need to lose.

Personally, I'd be ecstatic to lose half of that. But given all my other health issues, I really need to try to lose as much of that as possible.

I'm hoping the ticker sitting there at the top of the screen, mocking me every time I log on, will help motivate me to work out.

Since the great schedule switch-aroo that has been this year began I've had trouble keeping up a regular workout schedule. And my eating habits have been execrable.

The last week or two I've gotten the eating in hand, and now I think I've figured out a decent work out schedule. 30 to 60 mins cardio at home in the morning, 30 to 45 mins strength training at the Y over my lunch hour (not as much sweaty mess to clean up after before going back to work).

So, we'll see how it goes. I'm especially feeling the need to lose with the way my joints have been aching (Thyroid Doc thinks weight loss will help alleviate that) and my 15 year high school reunion coming up sometime next year.

Wish me luck.
Nimitz' Lady

Cute Hair

Given I'm not the best judge, but I think my new do will turn out pretty cute.

I got my hair relaxed (chemically straightened, whatever)and styled last Thursda. Due to the relaxing process this morning was the first time I got to wash and style it myself.

It's supposed to look something like this.

Which is a pretty good match for my face, in my opinion. So far, at least, I think it worked.

Of course, we'll have to wait and see what happens in the next few weeks.

I'll try to get an actual picture of me posted before I leave for L.A.

Nimitz' Lady

Five Things Meme

I've been tagged, informally. So here it is, the Five Things Meme.

Five things you have but you do not want

1. 45 pounds of fat
2. dirty floors
3. my job
4. emotional scarring
5. an addictive personality

Five things you want but you do not have
1. a new job
2. a sleek, fit body
3. a daughter
4. peace of mind
5. more time to spend with my son & husband

Five things you would like to know more about

1. parenting
2. adoption
3. translating
4. the Bible & God
5. German

Five important lessons you have learned
1. If it doesn't endanger your eternal life it's not worth getting upset about.
2. I had a decent body when I was a teen. Too bad I didn't realize it until it was gone.
3. Children and family are more important than money or position.
4. Physical beauty will only get you unwanted attention.
5. I can do anything if I try hard enough.

Five of your favorite memories
1. Being pregnant and my son's birth
2. Meeting my husband (and any time after that spent cuddling with him)
3. Traveling overseas (any and every time)
4. My time at WOI-TV
5. The 1999-2000 Iowa State Women's Basketball season (any and every game!)

Five things you are looking forward to

1. The Second Coming
2. Not caring anymore about my weight
3. Bringing a daughter home (assuming Der Deutscher ever agrees to adopt)
4. Traveling to L.A. to visit my dad in August
5. Retirement

Five things you would like to forget
1. The emotional torment that was most of high school and the people who inflicted it
2. The times I've hurt my husband
3. My sins
4. The Serial Killer hearings last summer
5. My love of food

So, that's it. Now, you're it!
Nimitz' Lady

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Early Nightly

NBC main anchor Brian Williams has landed in Tel Aviv to broadcast live from Israel during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Lebanon. He's headed to Haifa this afernoon for tonight's broadcast.

Each day during his trip, he'll include a Vlog giving a behind the scenes look at what it takes to broadcast from what is essentially a war zone.

Check it out. I found it interesting.

Nimitz' Lady

P.S. If you know of any other just glimpses of life in the Middle East right now, please leave me a link.

Oh, and I haven't heard back from my friends in Beirut. I'm just hoping that means they're headed for the port to catch the cruise ship to Greece.

Monday, July 17, 2006


One of my best college friends lives in Beirut with her husband and two little girls. She's a dual citizen, American and Lebanese.

Needless to say, they've been trying desperately to get out of the country for the last week. They have hopes of an American evacuation on Wednesday.

I've had a few e-mails from her. This is what she has to say about the situation.

"We are safe in this mountain house. It is in a Christian area away from the battle, but let's hope that the Israelis don't lose it and start bombing left, right and center."

"The US government really needs to do more for their citizens. This situation is really bad. Everything is so slow."

"It's hard to restart my life all over again, but it's better to leave then to die."

"I am scared especially that now I have babies I have to worry about."

She's a journalist like me, who's freelanced for several publications, writing most often for the Daily Star in Beirut.

Please include her and her family in your prayers. I've been praying for her non-stop for the last few days, as well as putting her name on our church prayer list.

The worst thing about situations like what we're seeing in Lebanon and Israel right now is that it's always the innocent who are hurt the most.

Nimitz' Lady

What's In a Name?

The other day, Grammy and JBP were driving along. Grammy making a song out of JBP's name, including his middle name "S".

He vehemently declared, "S" is not my name. My name is "J" "B" "P", then proceeded to spell out "B".

He wouldn't accept that "S" was his middle name.

Poor kid. He's a little Boriqua boy being raised in a white bread town. He thinks children are only allowed to have three names.

When in latino society *four* is the minimum. First, Middle & two Last names (one from your father, one from your mother).

Grammy reminded JBP of how his name is written in his birthstory book. He still isn't sure he's too fond of that "S".

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Found & Lost

Just 11 hours after finding the "stray" I'd hoped would be the newest member of our family, despite the many times I told myself we'd find his "family", we found his family.

In the end it didn't take any of the two dozen Found posters we had ready to post. It was the simple text e-mail I'd sent the local Humane Society.

It turns out this beauty's name is Kodiak. His parents had been frantically searching for him all day and came across our note while searching at the Humane Society.

So, Der Deutscher and JBP returned Kodiak to his home before I even got off work last night and my brief moment of hope was over.

No new puppy for moi. Back to my doldrums.

Nimitz' Lady

Monday, July 10, 2006


A lesson on how easily stereotypes are passed on.

Der Deutscher, JBP and I are in the car at a stop light. There's this group of high school aged kids, mostly girls, playing around like elementary schoolers on the corner then racing across the street.

I turn to Der Deutscher and ask, "What's with the pack of kids?"

Der Deutscher, "I don't know."

JBP, "They must be cheerleaders." (emphasis his)

Stereotype passed on without even trying. And that's with me having been a cheerleader! Go Cyclones!

Nimitz' Lady

Lost & Found

Someone's lost their loveable, siberian husky puppy. If they don't come claim him soon, he'll be a permanent part of our family.

Der Deutscher found this not-so-little scamp this morning while walking Jazzy. He just followed them home.

He had no tags and no microchip. We're putting up posters and have notified the local shelters.

But, as much as we keep telling each other he's going back to "his" people, we're already making him ours!

JBP has already decided he wants to name him "Lightning". Der Deutscher has suggested Dawson (for Dawson, Alaska) and I came up with a whole slew of Inuit names -- of which Der Deutscher narrowed it down to Amak - which means tag (play). Thor has also been suggested.

Now we just have to decide how long we should give the "owners" to show up. The city shelter only allows 48 hours. Other shelters allow up to two weeks. Given that the poor pup is underweight, you can see his hip bones sticking out, Der Deutscher and I are leaning toward the city's 48 hour limit. We'll see.

Nimitz' Lady

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

So Sorry

I know I'm way overdue for a post. But between the busy-ness that is my business and my own slight depression must say I've been too tired and too disinterested in posting.

There are however several things to keep all updated on.

Bike Riding: About two or so weeks ago, JBP went from riding a "baby" bike with training wheels to riding a "big boy" bike without. He just hopped on and took off. He's still working on the finetuning, like starting, stopping and steering. But he's got the balance thing down.

Thyroid Doc: Although overall I am quite happy with my new thyroid doctor, so far, I do have a bone to pick with him. During my last visit, as is normal, we were discussing my weird menstrual cycles. Thyroid throws everything out of wack!

Anyway, when I tell him I'm currently on week 5 (now week 6) of this cycle he glibly asks, "Any chance you might be pregnant?"

Now to date I'd been handling the extra-lengthy cycle with none of the I've-got-to-have- another-baby-or-I'll-die angst. But ever since he raised the question, especially since another week has passed with no period, I've been mulling the possibility over in my head.

And the thing is, I don't really want to be pregnant. I want to adopt a baby. But he had to put that danged thought in my head. (Which by the way is, although not entirely impossible, highly improbable between my tubal ligation and my thyroid condition.)

Resume Tape: My boss finally (after a month or so) got around to looking at the resume tape I put together for reporting/shooting. He was forced to admit I know what I'm doing both in front of and behind the camera lens.

The worst he could come up with to say was that my stand-ups looked a touch stiff. But then he added it was probably because I was out of practice. You think?

Then he asked me about money! So, maybe there's a chance. The question is, do I want it?

Well, Happy 4th of July everyone. The Good Ol' U.S. of A. is 230 years old today. Hope you had fun.

Nimitz' Lady