Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Quickie

It's late and I need to get home and get some sleep. But, here's a quick JBP moment I just couldn't NOT share.

This happened after a long day with many activities and little Mama-time.

I was getting ready to head back to work after my supper break. I was at the top of the stairs putting my shoes on when JBP rounded the corner at full speed headed up the stairs toward me.

Assuming he was coming to say, "Goodbye", I stooped down to catch his headlong dive into my arms. I grabbed him up and gave him a big bear hug and kiss saying, "You came to say goodbye to Mama!"

He put his little hands over my mouth and whispered, "And to get some grapes!"

As soon as I put him down he scampered off to the kitchen for his grapes, not even a glance back at Mama as she left!

Nimitz' Lady

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