Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Curves vs Sticks

While online looking for some fur winter boots last night, I made the comment, under my breath, "It sucks being a Woman of Curves in a Stick-Figure's world!" A nearby co-worker appreciated the joke, although I had not meant to share it.

Due to mass media in America, this is the Land of the Stick-Figure. Women with no breasts, hips or belly are the ideal, while those of us with the curves God gave us must find a way to nurse our self-images along.

Maybe this is why I married Der Deutscher and not some Amerikaner. Culture differences in what's physically appealing and all. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever dated a "White" guy. Black, Hispanic, Bi-racial and German. But not American Caucasian.

All my life I've fought my weight. The last time I had a flat tummy I was 10 and I can't remember that far back! I have come to some semblance of peace with my looks. I do, after all, have the stereotypical "pretty face".

No, really. You can stop laughing now.

Due to my world travels, having a kid and spending so much time at the gym I've come to realize this is the body God gave me. I should do my best to keep it healthy so I can keep on living and forget about the rest. After all, someone found it attractive enough to marry! =)

Mostly what sparked this self-awareness and acceptance was the birth of my son. I almost immediately became aware of any time I said anything derogatory about myself in his presence. And I most definitely do NOT want to pass on my neuroses to him! If I do, how will I ever get him to marry a nice, athletic girl with lots of curves who can give me lots of grandbabies?

So, I talk about each person's body being right for them and take him to a lot of women's basketball games. Anyone who thinks female basketball players don't have curves needs to take a second, much closer look. So, he thinks a woman with curves and athleticism is normal.

This is a good thing, since the other day when I was working out to a tape at home, he listened to the instructor talking about flattening the abs during sit-ups, turned to me and said, "I want flat abs too, Mommy."

I wanted to cry.

Nimitz' Lady

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