I find myself saying that an awful lot lately. The cause: JBP is five years old and the "school year" has just gotten underway. Thus, everyone assumes he's in kindergarten. He's NOT.
News Flash: Kindergarten is NOT part of mandatory schooling. At least not in my state. Only 7 states require schooling at ages 5 and 6, and they all offer opt-outs for parents who think their children are still too emotionally immature for school.
Question, why isn't JBP in school yet? I don't believe a healthy child with attentive, educated parents needs formal, early childhood education.
Head Start for low-income children whose parents have a limited education has shown some long term benefits, more in the way of avoiding special ed and remedial classes.
But, studies of preschooling over the last 40 years have consistently shown no long term academic benfits to formal education before the age of 7.
In an age when many politicians are campaigning for mandatory preschool and kindergarten as the panacea for our nation's educational woes, I, once again, an the rebel.
But, during this time a child is busy learning how to operate his body, also called gross motor function, and how the world works. There's plenty of time for he or she to get book learning, time when they're more attuned to the fine motor schools necessary for successful formal schooling.
In fact, studies have shown that children with no formal schooling until age 12 academically catch up within one year to children who've been in school since age 3.
I believe at this age a child best teaches him(or her)self. When JBP introduces subjects we discuss them, often times for more than an hour. I don't force particular topics on him, so he doesn't learn to HATE school as so many students do. Instead, "school" for JBP is a voyage of discovery. Wonder of wonders, he ENJOYS learning.
At the same time, he already knows much more about the world and how it works than many kids twice his age. He may not know much math and reading yet, but he's already got a whole backpack full of common sense and logic, which many of today's youth NEVER get. (side note: He's 5 years old and doesn't always USE that common sense. But, it's there.)
Plus, the early childhood years (before age 7) are when a child's personality is formed. Do I want my son's personality formed by my family or by a Lord-of-the-Flies type society, as I've heard preschool often described?
When it comes right down to it, I want him socialized with MY (and my Husband's) values not some preschooler's idea of Might-Makes-Right or the regimentational values a teacher is forced to impart (stay in line, sit still, be quiet and you're a GOOD boy).
Those of you who know me have probably already heard part or all of this rant before. To you, I apologize. But, obviously it's something that's ruling my life right now. Hopefully in a few months the questions will cease. Until next "Back to School" year.
Nimitz' Lady.
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