Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Sorry so long with no posts. So, here's a quick rundown of what I've been up to lately.

*Moved to day shift. Catching up on sleep. Not as much free time to blog while at work and too tired by the tiem I get home. Sorry folks. Hopefully I'll wake up soon.

*Made a last minute trip back to Ames for Brittany Wilkins Senior Night. It was great. We (ISU) beat Colorado. BTW, we just beat Texas in the first round of the conference tournament this afternoon.

*Grieving for fact I'm not at the Big 12 Conference Tournament in Dallas. It's too expensive and not as much fun as when the tourney's in Kansas City.

*While in Ames took JBP swimming at the hotel. He can now swim underwater in 5 foot deep water. He doesn't do so well swimming along the top of the water, but is a regular little fish underneath.

*JBP is not dealing well with the latest change in my schedule. I think it's just been too many changes too quickly for him. He's normally a very adaptive young man. But this time around he's being very whiny and clingy. It's tough for my poor mommy psyche to deal with. I wish I could just stay home!

*Getting ready to resume the job hunt next week. Hopefully I'll be awake again by then.

*Have applied to the local Foreign Language Magnet school. Now must wait until April to see if JBP is accepted.

*JBP wore his hanbok to church the very first weekend and I had to pry it off him. He wanted to wear it to Ames last weekend but I wouldn't let him. He can't wait to wear it again to church this coming Sabbath.

*Still trying to find affordable tickets to go visit my dad in L.A. I had one good deal in July, but then found out my boss wasn't granting vacation that week because of a major sports event in town. Now, I'm running into a conflict between the number of vacation days Der Deutscher has available and the number of days he'd need to take off in order to leave/return on a Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur. You know, the cheap flying days?

So, that's me. What's up with everyone else?

Nimitz' Lady

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