Friday, March 17, 2006

Weighing In

Ok, Ok, I promised weekly weigh-ins and haven't exactly been keeping my word. I have a good reason. I like to always use the same scale to weigh due to differences in the way each scale weighs. Say that five times fast! I dare ya!

Well, the scale I'd been using busted. I waited four weeks or so and the Y never got it fixed. Then came the great schedule change. Needless to say I wasn't really thinking about weighing in at that point.

Now that I'm getting back to a normal schedule, both work and workout, I'm going back to weekly weigh ins.

That being said here're the latest details:

Today: 202 lbs
Last week: 205.5 lbs
Difference: -3.5 lbs
Total lost: -3.5 lbs
Goal: 160 +/-5
Left to goal: 42

And now that I'm depressed from seeing all those numbers in black and white.. I'll go eat some bunt cake with cream cheese icing a co-worker brought in.

Have a great weekend and don't eat too much.

Nimitz' Lady

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