a little of that.
*Observation #1: Today was the first time I had to have an observer from my university in my classroom. It's part of the State's requirement to allow me in a classroom at all. I have to have someone come "observe" me at least twice a semester. I wasn't nervous about that, until she told me she'd need a copy of my lesson plan for the day. Then I started sweating bullets. I just jumped into this teaching thing feet first. NO training! So I pretty much do lesson plans like a Newscast Rundown -- a bunch of slugs indicating what each "story" (lesson) is about.
The good news, she was happy with what she saw. Wrote a note on the top of my observation sheet: What a model classroom.
This, despite the fact I was late getting class started because printers weren't working and I had trouble getting quizzes printed. Then, when I passed the quizzes out a student asked, "Are there supposed to be two Es and two Fs?"
I had mislabeled the pictures as: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, E, F, H.
If today is what she considers a "model" classroom I'd hate to find out what she considers a badly run one!
*The Rain in Spain... : Tomorrow I find out how many of my students will, perhaps, experience said event. I hold the first organizational meeting tomorrow after school for a trip to Spain next Spring/Summer.
I'm hoping at least 12 students will sign up for the trip. For every six students the program takes a chaperone for free. Twelve students means another adult can come with me.
I'm excited, scared and hopeful all at the same time. Mostly I just don't want all the students who are interested in traveling to give up because of the cost.
*Dancing in our Seats: JBP and I did the seat dance today on the way home from school. He's been in school more than a week now. No (major) behavioral problems, only a couple minor ones.
Today he had a sub, last year a sure sign of major trouble, and he didn't have to pull a single tab (in other words not even a warning!). So, we did the Happy Dance in our seats.
He also took three AR (accelerated reading) tests and got 100% on all of them. My boy is growing up and learning loads!
Nimitz' Lady
If Der Deutscher goes with you as a chaperone, I want to stay with JBP. Maybe by then, I'll get the (tiny) advances for both my books, and he and I can take a little trip to somewhere a little cooler. Or, if Der Deutshcer doesn't go, and you need a second chaperone...
Congratulations to JBP on his wonderful first week! I'm so proud, I could bust! And so happy for him.
I'm going to give your blog address to Miss Nagoya, OK?
That's great! I'd love to hear from her. In my classes, we talk about my experiences when Miss Nagoya lived with us all the time. More this year, with Die Spielerin here, than ever.
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