Die Spielerin made it in safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Not only was her plane on time, it was early by about 20 minutes!
Why is this such a big deal? She flew United which, in our family's experience, is not exactly not for being on time.
For a few minutes it looked like her luggage hadn't arrived with her (which would've undone United's early arrival glow). But, when we went to the counter to put in her claim they had the luggage there.
In an effort to help her deal with the jet lag, we kept her up until about 8pm last night. JBP did his part by playing with her and talking her head off. He's so excited about her presence he's barely left her side since her arrival. We also took her out to eat, an early birthday meal for Der Deutscher. (He's 36 today! Frohe Geburtstag!)
Today, we get her enrolled in school and just hang out. Since she's going to the school I teach at classes won't start for her until August 21st. So, she has a couple of weeks to shake off the jet lag.
Unfortunately, she still has no peace to do it in. Our house is currently a zoo. On top of Theresa's arrival, my mother is visiting (with her two cats, which brings the pet population here to 1 dog and 5 cats!), and we have a gentleman in re-doing our downstairs bathroom -- right across the hall from Theresa's room.
Welcome to Grand Central Station!
Nimitz' Lady
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