No, unfortunately, not from me.
My (formerly) Colorado Cousins have moved to South Korea. They've taken a two year position teaching at a Christian International School in the city of Taejon (or Daejon) with their three boys (all within about a year in age of JBP!).
I think I may have spoken of this before, if not I am now. =)
Anyway, I am about as jealous and in awe as it gets. Not that I could imagine making a move that grand at this time. But I can imagine doing it sometime. Now I just have to convince Der Deutscher!
They have started a blog to keep friends and family updated on their antics in the Republic of Korea. I won't share the address right now, as I'm not sure if they would like that, security concerns and all. But, if they don't mind, I may link to it later.
Meanwhile, good news on the JBP in school front. Although, by no means, is his behavior now model, it has improved greatly. And, he no longer goes around saying he hates school and there's nothing fun about it. Instead, he'll ask to do his homework! And if there isn't any, he'll ask to practice writing his letters with us. So, all in all things are going well.
Now, if only I could get enough of a handle on the teaching (and kick whatever bug has been infecting me for the last couple weeks) not to be totally and completely mentally and physically exhausted everyday when we get home.
Come Sabbath, it's all I can do to get through Church and lunch. I pretty much simply collapse then for the rest of the day. And that doesn't make for a very enjoyable Sabbath for JBP, who would be on the go every minute of every day if we let him.
Plus, between the change in jobs and trying to get used to it, I haven't been to the gym in a couple months now and am really feeling it. Backaches the likes of which I haven't had in years! Because my ab strength is back down to nothing.
On the other hand, I may actually have still managed to lose a few pounds. With the new schedule, I have little time to eat during work and my daily calorie consumption has fallen drastically. At least on workdays. Of course, to make up for that, I tend to eat more than I should on the weekends.
I'm hoping to start working out at home to my Taebo tapes after work this week. I need the physical exercise.
If you're the praying sort, please pray for my physical well being (exercise and illness) and that I'll be able to get this lesson planning thing licked.
Overall, I've been doing ok. But, I'm still having trouble gauging where my students are academically, either working well below or well above their current language levels. Plus, with an 84 minute block to fill I'm having trouble gauging exactly how much to plan on each day. And, to top it all off, I'm doing my best to do most of my lesson-planning during my planning period at school. I don't want to get in the habit of working all sorts of extra hours. I want to start the way I mean to go on (at least for the next 12 years -- when JBP graduates high school).
Nimitz' Lady
Get well soon! When I started teaching I was sick a lot. You have to get used to the kids' germs, I think. I keep a bottle of Airborne in my desk drawer. I really think it does work to fend off a cold as long as you take it as soon as you feel crummy. Hang in there with school and life. It will all work out soon. I will keep you in my good thoughts!
Both JBP and I are faithfully taking Airborne every morning before we leave for school. Unfortunately, though I've always used it for long plane trips, I didn't think about getting it for school until almost two weeks in to the year. Which was too late!
Oh, fun! I think I may know somebody who went to that school.
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