Sunday, May 21, 2006


A hearty cyber-congratulations goes out today to our former Cyclone friend, now an official Monarch.

Brittany Wilkins, #51, survived the final pre-season cut for the WNBA's Sacramento Monarchs last week.

She's only the third Cyclone to do so. And the only one to do so who's never been drafted. She was up for the draft but instead ended up signing a free agent contract with the Monarchs because no one picked her on draft day.

I guess she's having the last laugh on that.

We'll be writing her a congratulatory letter and sending it with some cookies. But, as idiot I never bothered to get direct contact information for her (I always sent things to her at the ISU Women's Basketball Office), I'm not sure if she'll get the package.

So, in the vain hopes she may have discovered this website at some point, I'm posting our heartfelt congratulations here. Hey, I've mentioned her often enough, I'm sure this site would show up sooner or later if she googles herself.

So, Brittany, if you're reading, "Congratulations and lots of hugs. We're busy marking all your televised games for TiVo to record so we can watch you play and slow-mo any bench shots to look for you when you're not playing."

Somehow, I've had a feeling Britt would make it ever since she signed her free agent contract. See, we're headed to California in August to visit my Dad. But the Monarchs are playing out of state the entire week we're there. They play their first CA game in Los Angeles the day after we leave!!!!!!! And I don't think we can change the dates on our tickets!

Damn and blast!!!!!!

That being said, Der Deutscher is already talking about a roadtrip to Minneapolist to catch a game. And here I thought basketball season was over.

But, unlike many other players we've seen come and go from the Cyclones, Britt's extra special to us. We connected the first time we met and our family has just sort of adopted her since then.

I've even had other players' relatives at games ask if she was my daughter (Not plarents, they know who's who. Other, more distant, relatives. =) Which... she's 6'3", blonde and skinny, I'm 5'7.5", greying brunette and... we'll just say voluptuous. But hey, stranger things have happened. =)

Congratulations again, Brittany!

Nimitz' Lady

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