Monday, May 15, 2006

Busy, busy, busy

Sorry I haven't posted often lately. I've been busy trying to get my boss to let me report/shoot again.

I actually spent most of my Mother's Day working on a story for a new resume tape. The plan was to have it ready to go by today.

No such luck. Lack of personnel Sunday and then poor planning on the part of the Assignment Desk this morning had me running around doing other things for the actual show. Even though I was in on my own time to work on my tape.

I did get to help edit (non-linear... I'll try to explain later)another reporter's story this afternoon. What a blast!

Of course, in a downer, another former one man band interested in the position will be in the rest of the week working on a new "tape" just like I am. Except he'll be able to concentrate just on that. No "real" work to get in his way. Pflbt!

I soooo hope I get this reporter/photographer gig. I am sick to death of producing!

Nimitz' Lady

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