Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I've been MADE

To steal a phrase from MTV.

In the world of journalism they say you're not a pro until you've made someone mad at you.

It appears not much is different about blogging. I've finally managed to upset a reader by, gasp!, voicing my opinion about freedom of speech and separation of church and state.

This is the comment she left. I assume it's a she, since she failed to leave a link of any sort, just an apparent first name.

kit said...
It is scarey that you are a teacher in the wonderful state I grew up in. You are way to liberal and I personally would pulll my child out of your class or be up your a** weekly!

This was my response:

There are several things I could say, but am too adult to post on my own blog.

I'll settle for a simple, if you don't like what you're reading here you are welcome to find something else to read.

That's the beauty of this country, free speech and free choice.

I briefly considered unloading but decided to take the high road. Then I considered simply ignoring "kit", but couldn't quite bring myself to do it.

Nimitz' Lady

Oh, and one other thought. "kit", are you psychic or something? I've never stated exactly which state I live/teach in. I only mention places I travel to, not where I'm coming from. So how do you know I live/teach in your native state? Just wondering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, kiddo!