There a little.
I've written a dozen or so posts in my head the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately I never made it to the computer in time to get them down in bits and bytes.
We in the Nimitz' household have been sick, all of us, over the last couple of weeks. Nothing serious, just what we call the creeping crud. Plenty harsh enough to make you want to die, but nothing bad enough to even warrant a trip to the doctor's office. Needless to say, that means every spare moment I've had has been spent in bed, not playing on the computer.
My photography class is underway. I'm actually enjoying it (when I'm not bored to death during the "lecture" portion). And so far the "homework" hasn't been a burden. Here's hoping it stays that way.
The big news however is on the JBP front. My little boy is READING! Remember, he started the school year a little behind becfause he didn't go to kindergarten.
Well, in the last week he's read four books, FOUR, to me. All the way through. Without me prompting him or helping him sound out a single word. I'm sooooo proud of him. We keep telling him how smart he is. I think he may actually be starting to believe it.
Also on the JBP front: he's getting reading glasses. The teacher has reported that he consistently balks at doing writing work. Before school started I'd had his eyes checked and the doctor said he was a little far-sighted but might still grow out of it. If we saw any reluctance to do close-up work, however, we should bring him back in for another check-up. We did so. He's still mildly far-sighted. He should have his new reading glasses by this Friday.
Our other big news, all the furniture Der Deutscher had shipped out from his mother's place in Germany has arrived in our town. It will be delivered this Friday. Der Deutscher took the day off work for the delivery. Now, of course, that means we're feverishly trying to empty some rooms, moving furniture about, etc, trying to make room for the new stuff coming in. In the long run I think this will really make the house look good. In the short run it's going to be a real pain in the patoot. However, we knew it was coming. Just not when. Now we know.
So, that's the latest from the Nimitz' Household.
I'm sure there's other stuff I should mention, but like I said I've been a little out of it recently. Time to hit the hay (at 8:30pm!) and dream up some more great posts that'll never hit the 'net.
Nimitz' Lady
1 comment:
Yo! I cmae here from Holwing Latina, and I like what I see. What say you about us swappin links?
Come on by my blog and drop me a comment if you agree. I will link right back in a jiffy
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