Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Here a Little ....

There a little.

I've written a dozen or so posts in my head the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately I never made it to the computer in time to get them down in bits and bytes.

We in the Nimitz' household have been sick, all of us, over the last couple of weeks. Nothing serious, just what we call the creeping crud. Plenty harsh enough to make you want to die, but nothing bad enough to even warrant a trip to the doctor's office. Needless to say, that means every spare moment I've had has been spent in bed, not playing on the computer.

My photography class is underway. I'm actually enjoying it (when I'm not bored to death during the "lecture" portion). And so far the "homework" hasn't been a burden. Here's hoping it stays that way.

The big news however is on the JBP front. My little boy is READING! Remember, he started the school year a little behind becfause he didn't go to kindergarten.
Well, in the last week he's read four books, FOUR, to me. All the way through. Without me prompting him or helping him sound out a single word. I'm sooooo proud of him. We keep telling him how smart he is. I think he may actually be starting to believe it.

Also on the JBP front: he's getting reading glasses. The teacher has reported that he consistently balks at doing writing work. Before school started I'd had his eyes checked and the doctor said he was a little far-sighted but might still grow out of it. If we saw any reluctance to do close-up work, however, we should bring him back in for another check-up. We did so. He's still mildly far-sighted. He should have his new reading glasses by this Friday.

Our other big news, all the furniture Der Deutscher had shipped out from his mother's place in Germany has arrived in our town. It will be delivered this Friday. Der Deutscher took the day off work for the delivery. Now, of course, that means we're feverishly trying to empty some rooms, moving furniture about, etc, trying to make room for the new stuff coming in. In the long run I think this will really make the house look good. In the short run it's going to be a real pain in the patoot. However, we knew it was coming. Just not when. Now we know.

So, that's the latest from the Nimitz' Household.

I'm sure there's other stuff I should mention, but like I said I've been a little out of it recently. Time to hit the hay (at 8:30pm!) and dream up some more great posts that'll never hit the 'net.

Nimitz' Lady

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I always new I was a one-of-a-kind. At least in the States.

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Nimitz' Lady

New Year's Resolutions

Since I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions - they never end up going where you really want them to go - I started my new healthy living quest after Thanksgiving.

I'm really trying to eat better (sweets only as treats, a salad a day, etc.) and work out more often, and smarter.

Overall I feel like I'm doing pretty well. But, it didn't seem like my body was budging. So, when the New Year hit and all the gyms, as always, offered giant discounts on things like personal training, I took my gym up on it.

So, for the last two weeks I've been working out with a personal trainer once a week and following the workout plan she sets up for me the rest of the week. While I have managed to do the number of workouts she's set, I haven't always managed to do the style. See, there are these pesky winter storms that keep interrupting my ability to get to the gym. So, I workout at home to one of my TaeBo DVDs, of which I now have almost two dozen - and that's a whole 'nother post!, or, as I did today, I just shovel the driveway.

As good a workout as TaeBo is, and I'll hype it to just about anyone!, it just can't hold a candle to shoveling out a 20 foot long driveway! Especially when you follow that up with taking your 6 year old sledding with his Christmas sled. He had a great time, by the way. But I'm so sore I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Time to take a hot bath, followed by a mediocrely warm shower, a half dozen or so aspirin (tylenol, advil, poison of your choice!) and try to get some sleep.

On top of the workout aches and pains, I think I may be coming down with the creeping crud. Der Deutscher's had it since last weekend when HE shoveled the driveway. It's just enough to make you miserable without being bad enough to let you stay home for a day, or two, or three.

Here's hoping a good night's sleep, lots of orange juice and the will of Atlas will keep the crud away.

Nimitz' Lady

The "Right" Thing

I can just hope I've done the right thing by one of my students.

He was one of two students of whom I was particularly proud. They were failing my class but really worked hard and turned their grades around. They attended study groups, got help from me, etc. Did what they had to do. In the end they both got C's. But they worked harder for those C's then did the kids who got A's in my classes last semester.

So, when the opportunity came around this month I nominated them for Student Of The Month. They deserved some recognition for their hard work. Evidently the principal agreed with me because he picked the young man as Student Of The Month.

So far, so good, right?

Last Friday the announcement was made over the P.A. during homeroom. My homeroom class (of which the young man is NOT a part!) hooted with laughter and derision.

Now I'm worried instead of providing him with some well-earned praise for all his hardwork all I've done is opened him up to a month full of teasing and other sorts of high school chicanery.

I just pray, with him being just a sophomore, that this turns out to be a school career highlight, as it was meant to be, and not a low-light.

Nimitz' Lady

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow! My last post engendered more responses, cumulatively, than any other post I've made. Maybe I should write about controversial topics more often. Of course, at the time, I didn't consider it controversial.

Oh well. No time to blog right now. I've got to go put together my church's bulletin for this Sabbath.

Nimitz' Lady

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I've been MADE

To steal a phrase from MTV.

In the world of journalism they say you're not a pro until you've made someone mad at you.

It appears not much is different about blogging. I've finally managed to upset a reader by, gasp!, voicing my opinion about freedom of speech and separation of church and state.

This is the comment she left. I assume it's a she, since she failed to leave a link of any sort, just an apparent first name.

kit said...
It is scarey that you are a teacher in the wonderful state I grew up in. You are way to liberal and I personally would pulll my child out of your class or be up your a** weekly!

This was my response:

There are several things I could say, but am too adult to post on my own blog.

I'll settle for a simple, if you don't like what you're reading here you are welcome to find something else to read.

That's the beauty of this country, free speech and free choice.

I briefly considered unloading but decided to take the high road. Then I considered simply ignoring "kit", but couldn't quite bring myself to do it.

Nimitz' Lady

Oh, and one other thought. "kit", are you psychic or something? I've never stated exactly which state I live/teach in. I only mention places I travel to, not where I'm coming from. So how do you know I live/teach in your native state? Just wondering.

Don't ask, don't tell!

But JBP is wearing, shhhhhhh!, girl shoes!

He'd outgrown his old shoes so I took him shoe shopping yesterday. Just like the rest of him, his feet are long and slender. Turns out that of all the shoes he tried on the only three that fit him were girls shoes. The good news, tennis shoes are tennis shoes. Like it makes a whole heck of a lot of difference.
The ones JBP picked out are all black, with a touch of red in the treading, and attach with a velcro fastener.

As we were trying to purchase them I thought the clerk was on the verge of tossing me out of the store! She looked at me and whispered, scandalized, "But these are girl shoes!"

I looked right back and... paid for them!

JBP wore them out of the store.

Nimitz' Lady