Well, a nearby community college has asked me to interview for a Radio/TV Broadcast instructor position. It's full-time, tenure track. Etc, etc, etc.
Only problem? It's about a one hour commute one way. I've done the long commute thing. Don't really want to do it again. But at the same time, can I really turn down this possible chance to get the heck out of Dodge?
So, I'll at least interview and find out more about the program and position. It's next Thursday afternoon.
After that, we'll see. I really can't see taking the job unless they let me work 6 hour days to make up for the commute. I want to spend more time with my family, not less. Especially with JBP starting school this fall.
On another note: JBP got kicked out of the Y's summer camp program. Not because of disciplinary issues, of which he's had a few, but because of the whole situation where we home-schooled him last year.
See, my requirements for Kindergarten aren't the same as the local school district's. I don't think a child should have to be able to read to have "completed" Kindergarten. The local school district does.
When my schedule pulled its last switch-a-roo and I moved dayside, I knew there was no way I could continue to homeschool. So we enrolled him in the local public school.
Since JBP can't read yet, they say he has to enter Kindergarten, not 1st grade.
Ok. Whatever. No biggee. Except the Y, due to state regs, says he has to have "completed" Kindergarten and since the school district says he hasn't, in their eyes he hasn't.
Personally, I see that as blatant discrimination against homeschoolers. For the most part, my state is pretty good about homeschooling. But there are still these little tidbits of regulations that will hamstring homeschooling parents.
The good news, we found a good Boys and Girls Club program that will take him starting Monday. And it's actually cheaper than the Y program, and more academically inclined.
The bad news? It's yet another schedule change for JBP this year, with the big one of going to school still to come. Also, it means he and my mom (Grammy) will have to drop me off at work, because the Boys and Girls Club program only runs 9-5, which is *after I start work and *before I get done for the day.
Asi es la vida. I just hope JBP can survive this year.
Nimitz' Lady
1 comment:
Well, I don't know how this particular college works, but at the schools I've been at, you can pretty much set your own schedule. You usually have to have a certain number of office hours, but you can set them at your discretion. Otherwise, they don't much care whether you work on campus or from home.
That sounds awesome! Hope the interview goes well!
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