Monday, June 05, 2006

Walking it Out

Well, thanks to Veggiegrrl I now know approximately how far I've been walking.

She directed me to this cool website:

Check it out, it's cool.

So, here's the rundown:

Wed: 3.3 miles
Thur: 3.5 miles
Sat: 1.6 miles
Mon: 3:4 miles

All in an hour or less.

Leaving aside the phyisical health benefits, these walks have been a great mental time for me. It gives me a chance to just clear my mind of all the crud that accumulates during the morning and leaves me better armed to handle the afternoon.

I take different routes everyday, but always along the river. Along with all the greenery and flowing water, I see lots of animals.

Of course, the requisite squirrels, mallard ducks and canadian geese. The ducks and geese all have babies right now. The ducklings still look quite young, but the fuzzy grey goslings look like they're about half grown. They all look unutterably cute!

I've also seen several egrets, cranes, even a few turtles sunning themselves on rocks in the river.

I think the best thing is I never know what I'm going to see next.

Last week I kept finding duck and goose feathers in pristine condition. I collected several and made JBP a native american style feather fan. He loves it. He's lusted after my feather fan for years, which is why it's stored where he can't reach it!

It's almost been enough to clear my head so I can continue working here, but not quite.

Nimitz' Lady

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