Today I had my followup visit with my new thyroid doctor, aka endocrinologist.
My TSH (the main test used to diagnose/control thyroid levels) was .05, the extreme end of normal before jumping into hyperthyroidism. The good news, even though this would panic most doctors, he didn't even suggest lowering my prescription. And, as with most Hashimoto's sufferers, low to non-existent TSH levels are what it takes for me to feel normal. No matter what the tests say.
Also, I do not have insulin resistance, despite my age, family and racial heritage.
I do have elevated cholesterol levels (Total: 214, HDL: 54, LDL: 144) and a Vitamin D deficiency. So he gave me a prescription for a supplement.
Finally, despite all my walking, I weighed 3.5 pounds more than my last visit eight weeks ago.
All this may or may not make much of a difference in my life, health or appearance. But somehow I walked out of there feeling positive about things. A big change from Dr. Hypochondria.
Nimitz' Lady
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Good News
JBP just finished his second full day at the Boys & Girls Club and was upset with Grammy because she came to pick him up so early.
It's a good sign. Now, if we can just hold out until Aug.
Nimitz' Lady
It's a good sign. Now, if we can just hold out until Aug.
Nimitz' Lady
Monday, June 26, 2006
How much?
I don't know how much more I can take. Work, as usual, is stressing me out. Then, the whole situation with JBP (disciplinary problems and paperwork issues that meant changing programs). And now my mother and my MIL are in a severe disagreement and upset with each other.
I won't go into details on the last because people on both sides of the dispute read this site. Suffice it to say, I feel like I'm caught in the middle and no matter what I do it makes me a bad daughter/daughter-in-law and worse mother.
Now it looks like the Boys & Girls club program may not be the solution I'd vainly, foolishly hoped for. Der Deutscher won't agree to letting my mother and aunt share child care duties for the remainder of the summer due to his concerns about their health and, thus, ability to keep up with the energy monster that is our son.
Any friends from church I could think of that would be able to handle JBP are out of town, work or I haven't seen in weeks.
I'm out of options, out of ideas and just about out of my mind with worry.
This is a very sensitive time for JBP. He's had a lot of changes this year and he's starting school in the fall. I don't want him to get off on the wrong foot. I want him to enjoy school. He certainly has the smarts to excell at scholastics.
I want him to be a good Christian, not a bully who's constantly getting in trouble. But he's been in so much trouble in recent months I'm afraid he's already starting to see it as "normal".
When he got in trouble in Sabbath School, again, this last week and I asked him what had happened -- he told me only, "I was bad." Those were his words. It just about broke my heart.
If it were up to me I would just quit work and stay home with him. It's obvious to me that's what he needs. I certainly haven't been able to find a program for him that I approve of without reservations.
But A) Der Deutscher is adament that we couldn't survive on just his salary and B) we now have a bunch of extra financial obligations after getting our floors done (or half done as the carpet STILL hasn't come in!) that we need my salary to be able to pay off.
Add to that the fact I'm about to turn down a chance to escape the hellhole I currently work it because the job is too far from where we live.
I don't know how much longer I can hang on without a serious mental breakdown.
Nimitz' Lady
I won't go into details on the last because people on both sides of the dispute read this site. Suffice it to say, I feel like I'm caught in the middle and no matter what I do it makes me a bad daughter/daughter-in-law and worse mother.
Now it looks like the Boys & Girls club program may not be the solution I'd vainly, foolishly hoped for. Der Deutscher won't agree to letting my mother and aunt share child care duties for the remainder of the summer due to his concerns about their health and, thus, ability to keep up with the energy monster that is our son.
Any friends from church I could think of that would be able to handle JBP are out of town, work or I haven't seen in weeks.
I'm out of options, out of ideas and just about out of my mind with worry.
This is a very sensitive time for JBP. He's had a lot of changes this year and he's starting school in the fall. I don't want him to get off on the wrong foot. I want him to enjoy school. He certainly has the smarts to excell at scholastics.
I want him to be a good Christian, not a bully who's constantly getting in trouble. But he's been in so much trouble in recent months I'm afraid he's already starting to see it as "normal".
When he got in trouble in Sabbath School, again, this last week and I asked him what had happened -- he told me only, "I was bad." Those were his words. It just about broke my heart.
If it were up to me I would just quit work and stay home with him. It's obvious to me that's what he needs. I certainly haven't been able to find a program for him that I approve of without reservations.
But A) Der Deutscher is adament that we couldn't survive on just his salary and B) we now have a bunch of extra financial obligations after getting our floors done (or half done as the carpet STILL hasn't come in!) that we need my salary to be able to pay off.
Add to that the fact I'm about to turn down a chance to escape the hellhole I currently work it because the job is too far from where we live.
I don't know how much longer I can hang on without a serious mental breakdown.
Nimitz' Lady
Friday, June 23, 2006
Interview Time
Well, a nearby community college has asked me to interview for a Radio/TV Broadcast instructor position. It's full-time, tenure track. Etc, etc, etc.
Only problem? It's about a one hour commute one way. I've done the long commute thing. Don't really want to do it again. But at the same time, can I really turn down this possible chance to get the heck out of Dodge?
So, I'll at least interview and find out more about the program and position. It's next Thursday afternoon.
After that, we'll see. I really can't see taking the job unless they let me work 6 hour days to make up for the commute. I want to spend more time with my family, not less. Especially with JBP starting school this fall.
On another note: JBP got kicked out of the Y's summer camp program. Not because of disciplinary issues, of which he's had a few, but because of the whole situation where we home-schooled him last year.
See, my requirements for Kindergarten aren't the same as the local school district's. I don't think a child should have to be able to read to have "completed" Kindergarten. The local school district does.
When my schedule pulled its last switch-a-roo and I moved dayside, I knew there was no way I could continue to homeschool. So we enrolled him in the local public school.
Since JBP can't read yet, they say he has to enter Kindergarten, not 1st grade.
Ok. Whatever. No biggee. Except the Y, due to state regs, says he has to have "completed" Kindergarten and since the school district says he hasn't, in their eyes he hasn't.
Personally, I see that as blatant discrimination against homeschoolers. For the most part, my state is pretty good about homeschooling. But there are still these little tidbits of regulations that will hamstring homeschooling parents.
The good news, we found a good Boys and Girls Club program that will take him starting Monday. And it's actually cheaper than the Y program, and more academically inclined.
The bad news? It's yet another schedule change for JBP this year, with the big one of going to school still to come. Also, it means he and my mom (Grammy) will have to drop me off at work, because the Boys and Girls Club program only runs 9-5, which is *after I start work and *before I get done for the day.
Asi es la vida. I just hope JBP can survive this year.
Nimitz' Lady
Only problem? It's about a one hour commute one way. I've done the long commute thing. Don't really want to do it again. But at the same time, can I really turn down this possible chance to get the heck out of Dodge?
So, I'll at least interview and find out more about the program and position. It's next Thursday afternoon.
After that, we'll see. I really can't see taking the job unless they let me work 6 hour days to make up for the commute. I want to spend more time with my family, not less. Especially with JBP starting school this fall.
On another note: JBP got kicked out of the Y's summer camp program. Not because of disciplinary issues, of which he's had a few, but because of the whole situation where we home-schooled him last year.
See, my requirements for Kindergarten aren't the same as the local school district's. I don't think a child should have to be able to read to have "completed" Kindergarten. The local school district does.
When my schedule pulled its last switch-a-roo and I moved dayside, I knew there was no way I could continue to homeschool. So we enrolled him in the local public school.
Since JBP can't read yet, they say he has to enter Kindergarten, not 1st grade.
Ok. Whatever. No biggee. Except the Y, due to state regs, says he has to have "completed" Kindergarten and since the school district says he hasn't, in their eyes he hasn't.
Personally, I see that as blatant discrimination against homeschoolers. For the most part, my state is pretty good about homeschooling. But there are still these little tidbits of regulations that will hamstring homeschooling parents.
The good news, we found a good Boys and Girls Club program that will take him starting Monday. And it's actually cheaper than the Y program, and more academically inclined.
The bad news? It's yet another schedule change for JBP this year, with the big one of going to school still to come. Also, it means he and my mom (Grammy) will have to drop me off at work, because the Boys and Girls Club program only runs 9-5, which is *after I start work and *before I get done for the day.
Asi es la vida. I just hope JBP can survive this year.
Nimitz' Lady
Friday, June 09, 2006
Humorous News
I'm too wiped to write a good post right now, so here are a few wire stories that got a chuckle out of me. Enjoy. --Nimitz' Lady
Cat chases off bear
WEST MILFORD, N.J. (AP) - At least one bear doesn't want to know Jack.
Jack is a ten-year-old orange-and-white tabby in West Milford, New Jersey. And when the cat spotted the bear in a neighbor's yard earlier this week, the clawless kitty let the bear know who's boss. You don't mess with kitty!
The bear scurried up a tree and eyed the cat for ten to 15 minutes, while Jack stared and hissed from the ground. The bruin inched its way down before jumping off and running away.
But Jack chased the bear into the brush and up another tree. That's when Jack's owner realized what was happening and called her cat.
Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, tells The Star-Ledger of Newark Jack considers the area his turf and doesn't want anyone in his yard.
Judge tells lawyers to use 'rock, paper, scissors' to settle argument
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - "Rock, paper, scissors" has settled many a playground dispute. Now it's being tried in a federal lawsuit.
Seems a judge in Tampa, Florida, has had it with the lawyers in a case who can't agree on the littlest details of a suit. So displaying his own version of Solomon-like wisdom, the judge is ordering them to meet at a neutral location, where the children's hand-gesture game will be used to decide on a place to depose a witness.
And what if they can't agree on a neutral location? The judge says they'll have to play on the courthouse steps. You'll get along, or else! Anyone else hear their parents' voices coming out of the judge's mouth?
The "rock, paper, scissors" idea isn't exactly new. Two big auction houses used the game last year to decide who would sell off a multi-million-dollar art collection.
Downing worms may help digestive ailments
EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - New research may lead to an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.
That's the good news. The bad news is that it involves swallowing worm eggs.
Researchers are looking at the use of threadlike intestinal parasites called whipworms to treat the disease, which can cause diarrhea, painful cramps and intestinal bleeding.
Inflammatory bowel disease is virtually unknown in the developing world, but it's becoming increasingly common in industrialized countries. Possible explanations range from refined foods and high-fat diets -- to too much good hygiene.
That's where the worm eggs come in.
Michigan State University professor Linda Mansfield says some exposure to dirt, bacteria and, yes, worms can be beneficial. See, I knew it was a good idea NOT to clean my house this week!
She tells the Lansing State Journal that swallowing whipworm eggs could help counteract bowel inflammation and "reset the immune system to be in better balance." And if it's not, you'll be too busy puking up the worms to notice what's going on at the other end.
More testing is needed for government approval. One should hope so!
No charges expected in toddler's walkaway from home
LEBANON, Ill. (AP) - Authorities say no charges will be filed against the parents of a toddler found in the middle of a southern Illinois road. Scary!
The two-year-old boy was found unharmed by a motorist on a stretch of road near Lebanon where the speed limit is 45 miles-per-hour.
St. Clair County authorities say the boy's parents hadn't realized the child was missing and believe he escaped from the family's pet door.
When found by the motorist yesterday morning, the boy wasn't much help in trying to locate his parents. The only words he could say were "kitty" and "no." Probably from being told a thousand times to stay away from the kitty's door!
Authorities located the boy's parents after an hour-long door-to-door search.
Michigan teen found in Jordan, heading to guy she met on
SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) - Another troubling case involving a teenager and the My Space-dot-com Web site. Never leave your child alone with a computer. Mine's six and I've already learned that lesson!
This time, a 16-year-old from Michigan is being sent home from Jordan, after her family says she ran off to meet a guy she met on the site.
Her mother says she got the girl a passport, thinking she was going to Canada with a friend's family. Instead, she ran off. Uh, she's from Michigan and thought her daughter needed a passport to go to Canada? Mom needs to go back to school!
The F-B-I traced her to a flight from New York to Jordan, where local authorities stopped her. Investigators seized the family's computer, but won't say anything about the man she was supposed to meet.
Earlier this week, a Chicago area teen was charged with threatening the life of a school official in a posting on My Space. This one, I'd bet, was your normal teen spouting off about a disliked authority figure, but you just can't tell for sure these days.
In April, five teens from Kansas were arrested and charged with plotting a shooting rampage at their high school. A message about it appeared on My Space. ###
Cat chases off bear
WEST MILFORD, N.J. (AP) - At least one bear doesn't want to know Jack.
Jack is a ten-year-old orange-and-white tabby in West Milford, New Jersey. And when the cat spotted the bear in a neighbor's yard earlier this week, the clawless kitty let the bear know who's boss. You don't mess with kitty!
The bear scurried up a tree and eyed the cat for ten to 15 minutes, while Jack stared and hissed from the ground. The bruin inched its way down before jumping off and running away.
But Jack chased the bear into the brush and up another tree. That's when Jack's owner realized what was happening and called her cat.
Jack's owner, Donna Dickey, tells The Star-Ledger of Newark Jack considers the area his turf and doesn't want anyone in his yard.
Judge tells lawyers to use 'rock, paper, scissors' to settle argument
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - "Rock, paper, scissors" has settled many a playground dispute. Now it's being tried in a federal lawsuit.
Seems a judge in Tampa, Florida, has had it with the lawyers in a case who can't agree on the littlest details of a suit. So displaying his own version of Solomon-like wisdom, the judge is ordering them to meet at a neutral location, where the children's hand-gesture game will be used to decide on a place to depose a witness.
And what if they can't agree on a neutral location? The judge says they'll have to play on the courthouse steps. You'll get along, or else! Anyone else hear their parents' voices coming out of the judge's mouth?
The "rock, paper, scissors" idea isn't exactly new. Two big auction houses used the game last year to decide who would sell off a multi-million-dollar art collection.
Downing worms may help digestive ailments
EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - New research may lead to an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.
That's the good news. The bad news is that it involves swallowing worm eggs.
Researchers are looking at the use of threadlike intestinal parasites called whipworms to treat the disease, which can cause diarrhea, painful cramps and intestinal bleeding.
Inflammatory bowel disease is virtually unknown in the developing world, but it's becoming increasingly common in industrialized countries. Possible explanations range from refined foods and high-fat diets -- to too much good hygiene.
That's where the worm eggs come in.
Michigan State University professor Linda Mansfield says some exposure to dirt, bacteria and, yes, worms can be beneficial. See, I knew it was a good idea NOT to clean my house this week!
She tells the Lansing State Journal that swallowing whipworm eggs could help counteract bowel inflammation and "reset the immune system to be in better balance." And if it's not, you'll be too busy puking up the worms to notice what's going on at the other end.
More testing is needed for government approval. One should hope so!
No charges expected in toddler's walkaway from home
LEBANON, Ill. (AP) - Authorities say no charges will be filed against the parents of a toddler found in the middle of a southern Illinois road. Scary!
The two-year-old boy was found unharmed by a motorist on a stretch of road near Lebanon where the speed limit is 45 miles-per-hour.
St. Clair County authorities say the boy's parents hadn't realized the child was missing and believe he escaped from the family's pet door.
When found by the motorist yesterday morning, the boy wasn't much help in trying to locate his parents. The only words he could say were "kitty" and "no." Probably from being told a thousand times to stay away from the kitty's door!
Authorities located the boy's parents after an hour-long door-to-door search.
Michigan teen found in Jordan, heading to guy she met on
SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) - Another troubling case involving a teenager and the My Space-dot-com Web site. Never leave your child alone with a computer. Mine's six and I've already learned that lesson!
This time, a 16-year-old from Michigan is being sent home from Jordan, after her family says she ran off to meet a guy she met on the site.
Her mother says she got the girl a passport, thinking she was going to Canada with a friend's family. Instead, she ran off. Uh, she's from Michigan and thought her daughter needed a passport to go to Canada? Mom needs to go back to school!
The F-B-I traced her to a flight from New York to Jordan, where local authorities stopped her. Investigators seized the family's computer, but won't say anything about the man she was supposed to meet.
Earlier this week, a Chicago area teen was charged with threatening the life of a school official in a posting on My Space. This one, I'd bet, was your normal teen spouting off about a disliked authority figure, but you just can't tell for sure these days.
In April, five teens from Kansas were arrested and charged with plotting a shooting rampage at their high school. A message about it appeared on My Space. ###
You have a horrible day, spending most of it biting your tongue to keep from walking into your boss' office and telling him you quit.
So, what does he have the bad grace to do? Thank you for all the work you've put into helping get the new production system online.
Nimitz' Lady
(I promise to write more about our new production system later, but right now I'm just too exhausted. Another rehearsal tonight -- we've had them all week -- and then my mother-in-law arrives. Yippee-ki-yi-yay!)
So, what does he have the bad grace to do? Thank you for all the work you've put into helping get the new production system online.
Nimitz' Lady
(I promise to write more about our new production system later, but right now I'm just too exhausted. Another rehearsal tonight -- we've had them all week -- and then my mother-in-law arrives. Yippee-ki-yi-yay!)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Strange Sound
Here are a couple of weird soundbites I ran across today.
1) In an interview with a guy from the local power company about why they're donating a bunch of fans to the Red Cross:
"We want our customers to be uncomfortable as well as healthy over the hot, summer months."
2) From the Red Cross lady when asked how people can donate fans:
"We really discourage that because we don't want one person to get a $10 box fan and someone else to get a Vornado."
So, uh, you'd rather someone not get any fan at all?
Why not say, we'd rather people donate money so we can buy in large, discounted lots? See, they need me to do their PR! =)
Nimitz' Lady
1) In an interview with a guy from the local power company about why they're donating a bunch of fans to the Red Cross:
"We want our customers to be uncomfortable as well as healthy over the hot, summer months."
2) From the Red Cross lady when asked how people can donate fans:
"We really discourage that because we don't want one person to get a $10 box fan and someone else to get a Vornado."
So, uh, you'd rather someone not get any fan at all?
Why not say, we'd rather people donate money so we can buy in large, discounted lots? See, they need me to do their PR! =)
Nimitz' Lady
Monday, June 05, 2006
Walking it Out
Well, thanks to Veggiegrrl I now know approximately how far I've been walking.
She directed me to this cool website:
Check it out, it's cool.
So, here's the rundown:
Wed: 3.3 miles
Thur: 3.5 miles
Sat: 1.6 miles
Mon: 3:4 miles
All in an hour or less.
Leaving aside the phyisical health benefits, these walks have been a great mental time for me. It gives me a chance to just clear my mind of all the crud that accumulates during the morning and leaves me better armed to handle the afternoon.
I take different routes everyday, but always along the river. Along with all the greenery and flowing water, I see lots of animals.
Of course, the requisite squirrels, mallard ducks and canadian geese. The ducks and geese all have babies right now. The ducklings still look quite young, but the fuzzy grey goslings look like they're about half grown. They all look unutterably cute!
I've also seen several egrets, cranes, even a few turtles sunning themselves on rocks in the river.
I think the best thing is I never know what I'm going to see next.
Last week I kept finding duck and goose feathers in pristine condition. I collected several and made JBP a native american style feather fan. He loves it. He's lusted after my feather fan for years, which is why it's stored where he can't reach it!
It's almost been enough to clear my head so I can continue working here, but not quite.
Nimitz' Lady
She directed me to this cool website:
Check it out, it's cool.
So, here's the rundown:
Wed: 3.3 miles
Thur: 3.5 miles
Sat: 1.6 miles
Mon: 3:4 miles
All in an hour or less.
Leaving aside the phyisical health benefits, these walks have been a great mental time for me. It gives me a chance to just clear my mind of all the crud that accumulates during the morning and leaves me better armed to handle the afternoon.
I take different routes everyday, but always along the river. Along with all the greenery and flowing water, I see lots of animals.
Of course, the requisite squirrels, mallard ducks and canadian geese. The ducks and geese all have babies right now. The ducklings still look quite young, but the fuzzy grey goslings look like they're about half grown. They all look unutterably cute!
I've also seen several egrets, cranes, even a few turtles sunning themselves on rocks in the river.
I think the best thing is I never know what I'm going to see next.
Last week I kept finding duck and goose feathers in pristine condition. I collected several and made JBP a native american style feather fan. He loves it. He's lusted after my feather fan for years, which is why it's stored where he can't reach it!
It's almost been enough to clear my head so I can continue working here, but not quite.
Nimitz' Lady
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Truly Random Thoughts
Broken Nails
I've lost all my fingernails.
Not completely. They're just not long anymore.
I have this policy: when three nails break off I cut the rest off.
This is partly vanity, they look weird with half the nails long and the other half varying lengths of short. But it's also basic practicality.
I can type with short fingernails. I can type with long fingernails. I cannot type with half and half!
Now that JBP is in all day summer camp instead of afternoons only day care, I have my lunch hour to myself. No more rushing home to chauffeur him from one caregiver to another.
So, I've taken to speed walking during that time. Partly because that's always been the plan for once summer camp started and partly in response to Chookooloonk's challenge.
So far it's been two days. I have no idea how far I'm going because I've forgotten my pedometer both days. But one thing I have learned, is it makes me much more mentally capable of handling the remainder of the work day.
My office is just a couple blocks away from my city's version of Central Park. So I just speed walk my size 16 behind over there, cruise around for about 50 minutes, then head back to work to sponge off and get back to work.
I doubt I've lost any weight (it's only been two days) but I already feel better. The tired is the good, physical tired, not the emotional tired. And my hams and calves are sore. The feel good sore, not the achy, painful, something's wrong sore.
Summer Camp
JBP is having a blast at summer camp. He's been begging me every day for the last two summers to attend. Now, he's finally old enough.
I have to wake him up in the morning because he's sleeping so hard from all that playing during the day. But I only have to tell him once. By the time I turn around he's up, dressed and slipping his backpack over his little shoulders. (It's almost as big as he is!)
Unfortunately, his first day of summer camp was marred by my having to pick him up at noon so he could be there for Sedona's passing.
I've had friends who were at school events, even on a trip, when a loved one died and their family thought they were doing the kid a favor by letting them have fun. It's not a favor to let a child always remember he or she was off having fun when a loved one died. It's handing them a load of guilt they'll never quite get rid of.
I wasn't sure if he'd want to be there when she passed. But he chose to stay by her (and Der Deutscher's) side the whole way. It meant a lot to Der Deutscher, let me tell you. I've never seen JBP and Der Deutscher emotionally closer.
For the most part it doesn't seem as if Sedona's death is effecting JBP. Like I said, he's having a blast at summer camp. But every once and awhile something he hears or sees reminds him of her and the next thing I know (or Der Deutscher) is I've got a young man climbing into my lap for a hug.
Eighth Anniversary
And, did I mention Tuesday was my 8th wedding anniversary? Given our loss that day we naturally didn't feel much like celebrating.
I'd gotten him an anniversary cake with a Cyclone on it (ISU brought us together) and our important dates: when we met, when we got engaged and when we got married.
He liked it, but again due to Sedona's loss, didn't touch it until yesterday. When he did, he and JPB were both acting like little kids, barely able to wait until they had forks to dive in.
By the way, it may be eight years legal, but we've been together since Aug. 93 so it really feels more like 13 years.
Of course, we're still working on chipping away at that cake. I figure we'll have it finished by the end of this weekend.
Nimitz' Lady
I've lost all my fingernails.
Not completely. They're just not long anymore.
I have this policy: when three nails break off I cut the rest off.
This is partly vanity, they look weird with half the nails long and the other half varying lengths of short. But it's also basic practicality.
I can type with short fingernails. I can type with long fingernails. I cannot type with half and half!
Now that JBP is in all day summer camp instead of afternoons only day care, I have my lunch hour to myself. No more rushing home to chauffeur him from one caregiver to another.
So, I've taken to speed walking during that time. Partly because that's always been the plan for once summer camp started and partly in response to Chookooloonk's challenge.
So far it's been two days. I have no idea how far I'm going because I've forgotten my pedometer both days. But one thing I have learned, is it makes me much more mentally capable of handling the remainder of the work day.
My office is just a couple blocks away from my city's version of Central Park. So I just speed walk my size 16 behind over there, cruise around for about 50 minutes, then head back to work to sponge off and get back to work.
I doubt I've lost any weight (it's only been two days) but I already feel better. The tired is the good, physical tired, not the emotional tired. And my hams and calves are sore. The feel good sore, not the achy, painful, something's wrong sore.
Summer Camp
JBP is having a blast at summer camp. He's been begging me every day for the last two summers to attend. Now, he's finally old enough.
I have to wake him up in the morning because he's sleeping so hard from all that playing during the day. But I only have to tell him once. By the time I turn around he's up, dressed and slipping his backpack over his little shoulders. (It's almost as big as he is!)
Unfortunately, his first day of summer camp was marred by my having to pick him up at noon so he could be there for Sedona's passing.
I've had friends who were at school events, even on a trip, when a loved one died and their family thought they were doing the kid a favor by letting them have fun. It's not a favor to let a child always remember he or she was off having fun when a loved one died. It's handing them a load of guilt they'll never quite get rid of.
I wasn't sure if he'd want to be there when she passed. But he chose to stay by her (and Der Deutscher's) side the whole way. It meant a lot to Der Deutscher, let me tell you. I've never seen JBP and Der Deutscher emotionally closer.
For the most part it doesn't seem as if Sedona's death is effecting JBP. Like I said, he's having a blast at summer camp. But every once and awhile something he hears or sees reminds him of her and the next thing I know (or Der Deutscher) is I've got a young man climbing into my lap for a hug.
Eighth Anniversary
And, did I mention Tuesday was my 8th wedding anniversary? Given our loss that day we naturally didn't feel much like celebrating.
I'd gotten him an anniversary cake with a Cyclone on it (ISU brought us together) and our important dates: when we met, when we got engaged and when we got married.
He liked it, but again due to Sedona's loss, didn't touch it until yesterday. When he did, he and JPB were both acting like little kids, barely able to wait until they had forks to dive in.
By the way, it may be eight years legal, but we've been together since Aug. 93 so it really feels more like 13 years.
Of course, we're still working on chipping away at that cake. I figure we'll have it finished by the end of this weekend.
Nimitz' Lady
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