Sunday, December 17, 2006

Another View

Last night Der Deutscher and I attended the staff Christmas party for my school. I'd heard a few stories, so I was not intellectually surprised by what I saw.

However, emotionally was a whole 'nother story.

Growing up you always think of your teachers as sober, responsible, did I say sober?, adults!

Last night what I saw was a gathering of humans who'd apparently never matured past adolscence. From the fuss made over one secretary's ability to free jello shots from their containers to the constant swiping of alcoholic white elephant gifts during the gift exchange, I couldn't really see any difference between this batch of teachers and the kids they're supposed to guide to adulthood.

Oh, and did I mention one teacher brought as his white elephant gift a contraption his grandfather had that's used to light farts on fire?

Children teaching children!

Don't get me wrong, adolescent hijinks weren't the only things going on at the party. They're just what stuck in my head. We didn't get home until after midnight and had a lot of fun. What can I say, there's still a bit of adolescent left in Der Deutscher and I as well.

Nimitz' Lady

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