Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Mistaken" Anger

I've actually been battling a case of mistaken anger toward Der Deutscher recently. He did nothing.

I got a text message Monday morning at school, "I Love You! :)" Of course I assumed it was from Der Deutscher. After I casually TM'd him back, "I Luv You Too" (the 3 button is busted on my phone) I looked at the number and realized it wasn't his phone.

Monday afternoon I discovered the TM had been from a woman I didn't know to her son. Wrong number.

Der Deutscher had nothing to do with any of this. But for me, emotionally, it's like the instant of warm, fuzzy feeling I got from thinking I had a TM from him had been cruelly yanked away from me, leaving me cold and bereft. So, I've been struggling not to blame him for what happened. For not even thinking to send me a random I Love You TM.

¡Así es la vida!

Nimitz' Lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunshine, My heart is with you. Love, Mom