Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Breathing Again

For awhile today I thought our exchange student, Die Spielerin, was going to have to go to another host family.

When we agreed to host her we were told the exchange program had a place reserved for her at the neighborhood high school who's district we live in. Only problem, when we went to begin enrolling her we couldn't.

A long story short, there was some paper work that according to the regs was supposed to be filed with the district by July 1st. Except Die Spielerin was an emergency, last minute placement. Not all that unusual with international exchange programs.

The old guy who was in charge of enrollment at the district knew this and would've just signed the paperwork and been done with it. Problem? He retired over the summer and the new guy was a real *()&&*^^%^%$#@!

I've never been treated so rudely in my life. Rudely, with contempt, as if I weren't worth scraping his shoes off on. Der Deutscher plans to file an official complaint over his treatment of me with the district.

In desperation I went back to my school (where I teach, a separate district) and ask my principal, again, if he would accept Theresa. He had original said no due to the number of students expected to enroll this year.

Well, with all the delay, about 10 minutes before I asked him, he got updated enrollment numbers that were lower than the projections. So, he accepted her.

¡Gracias a Díos!

So, long story short, everything worked out. Die Spielerin will attend the smaller school I teach at, rather than the gigantic school I live near. And I am now recovering from near heart attack level palpitations.

Man I need some chocolate! Except it is verboten on my diet. Danged diet!

Nimitz' Lady

Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Personality

Al(most) done!

It took several days of hard work, and the welcome aid of several friends, but we have a room cleaned up and basically ready for Die Spielerin's arrival later this week.

We do still need to hang a few pictures. Plus, we're trying to figure out where to put a couple of extra unused end/coffee tables and an extra TV. We are SO American!

Meanwhile, all the work to clean up that room has basically left the rest of the house looking as if a tornado had just torn through.

So my goal for the rest of this week, besides finishing up my teacher class, is to get the rest of the house into a reasonable amount of order.

Nimitz' Lady

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Chaos Uninterrupted

***I tried to post this two days ago but my computer kept freezing up. Enjoy!***

So, after much deep discussion of the pros and cons Der Deutscher and I decided to take the plunge. We're hosting an exchange student from Germany. From here on out we'll refer to her as Die Spielerin. She's really into sports and, for those of you not the German know, Die Spielerin means The Sports Player. More or less.

We only filled out the paperwork last weekend. Part of the host family application process is a background check. Gotta make sure we're not criminals or anything! =) That went in on Monday. Today, we got an e-mail with here itinerary -- she's arriving August 2nd!-- and us listed as her host parents. At which point we assumed we were official.

This evening we got an e-mail from her, as well.

This has put what was already a rush to get her room ready (it was a complete mess as the included picture makes obvious) into overdrive. We've pretty much got everything figured out, now we've just got to buy the required supplies and get them put in place.

This, while I'm still taking teaching classes, volunteering at our church's Vacation Bible School and trying to sneak at least a little bit of sleep in.

Why is it, no matter how hard I try, my life always turns into a circus?

Well, here's hoping all goes smoothly and Die Spielerin feels warmly welcomed into our family for the next year.

Now, I've gotta go finish my homework.

Nimitz' Lady

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Half-way There

Well, the week's half gone and I'm still alive. I've completed all the required essays and assorted homework. Now I just have to survive two more days of classes from 8 am to 4pm! Then, I'm outta there.

Of course, I have another, two week, class starting next week back home!

Nimitz' Lady

Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm in Kansas City taking the first of about a dozen classes I'll have to take over the next three years to become an officially certified teacher.

Class started at 8 am today. It's currently almost 6pm. So far I've hand-written one 4 page essay and typed another half page essay. I still have about 20 articles to read tonight and some math to do.

What?! Math?!?

Yep! It's that whole grade thing and they want to know I can do basic averages, percentages, etc.

So, it's off to do some homework I am.

I figure by the time class ends Friday afternoon I'll be completely brain fried! Why can't I ever do anything the "normal" way?

Wish me luck!

Nimitz' Lady

Weighty Thoughts

I've been desperately trying to lose weight for more than a year and a half now. Working out with a personal trainer hasn't helped. Working out two to three hours a day now that it's summer hasn't helped.

So, in my desperation I've done something I once swore to myself I would never do. I've signed up with one of those weight loss programs you see advertised on TV.

I picked this program because there are no pre-packaged meals to buy, you meet three times a week with a nutrition counselor, and the program sticks with you for a year after you reach your goal to help you transition into maintenance.

I actually managed to lose a couple pounds in the first week. The first sign of weight sheddage in months.

So, overall I'm cautiously optimistic. However, the plan also includes eating six "mini-meals" a day. I feel like I'm constantly eating.

Maybe that's their idea, to make me so sick of food I won't want to look at it, let along taste it, ever again?!

If so, it ain't gonna work. This chica likes to eat too much for that.

Nimitz' Lady

Friday, July 13, 2007

Mirror Image

In my recent efforts to fix up the house for sale I've spent quite a bit of time carting large lots of materials around in my mini-van.

Yesterday I bought two gliders to replace a cat-ruined love seat in our upstairs. We did manage to cram both of the gliders and both of their hassocks into the van. But it left me with absolutely no view out of my rear view mirror. I had to use the side mirrors.

Now, I didn't lose any visibility overall, as I do have two side mirrors properly placed. But, that doesn't take into account habit.

You never realize how accustomed you are to using something, or doing something, in a particular way, until you can't. I must've looked into that rear view mirror a hundred times on the 15 minute drive home.

It reminded me of when I had to drive the live van at WOI around the state of Iowa. With all the microwave and editing equipment in the back you might as well have completely removed the rear view mirror. It was completely useless.

Of course, that wasn't the only problem with driving that ancient monster (I think it was on a first name basis with such other ancient creatures as the Loch Ness Monster, Grendel and Gollum). It had the worst steering I've ever felt in my life. If you even looked at the steering wheel the van would move 15 feet to either your left or right.

That's before you even start talking about all its mechanical difficulties. It was officially monikered Live 5. We who had to drive it, oh so affectionately, referred to it as Death 5.

And that's why you go into TV News. For the war stories you get to tell!

Nimitz' Lady

Off to School

Well, I may not have to go back to teaching school until mid-August, but I go back to school as a student next week.

See, when I was hired I was a TV News Journalist. I shot, reported, edited, produced and managed the news for 13 years. I did NOT have any sort of teacher certification. In fact, I taught the entirety of last year on an emergency substitute's license.

This must be changed.

The good news is, I do have a college degree in both Journalism and Spanish. This means I can go through a special restricted licensing program in my state. I can enter the classroom immediately, or last year as the case may be, and teach under another instructor's "supervision" while I'm taking the necessary education courses.

It will take me three years to complete full certification. That process starts Monday.

Most of the classes will be online. But the first one I actually have to show up for in person. Which is something of a problem since the university which administers the program is a 2.5 hour drive away. (Remember my thing about long commutes?)

The good news, the class only lasts a week and I have a college friend who lives in the area. So I'll be camping out at his place for the next week.

Nimitz' Lady

Designing Woman

Okay, I had this post 90% complete when I somehow managed to completely erase it! (*&*&%^$$#@@#! computers!

It's time to sell our house and I've spent much of my summer working toward that goal.

See, when I switched jobs last August (from TV News to High School Teacher) my daily commute went from 12 minutes, one way, to approximately 35 minutes, depending on traffic. I don't like that.

Back when I was a cub reporter at WOI-TV in Iowa my commute was a whopping 45 minutes, one way. I drove that for eight freakingly long years. When we moved here I swore I would never live more than 20 minutes from work again.

Which means I've spent much of this summer doing things like finding contractors to do the things I can't do, like remodeling a bathroom and painting the house (inside and out!).

I've also been trying to fix the place up to "showcase" the house, as they put it on all those design shows.

This has had Der Deutscher sniggering at me for at least a solid month now. He says I'm starting to sound like those "frelling design shows".

So far, I've re-arranged the table in the dining room/common area upstairs to create a "reading nook", changed out the curtains, bought new blinds (haven't put them up yet) for all the upstairs public areas, pasted up paint color samples, replaced mattresses in JBP's room and replaced a love seat in the public area upstairs.

Today, I clean out the garage. Then, I'll tackle the family room, spare room and utility room in the basement.

We're not planning to put the house on the market until things warm up in the spring, but we need to get as much work done this summer, while I'm NOT working!, as possible. Thus the rush.

Just call me "Julia".

If you don't get that reference, you're too young to be reading this blog!

Nimitz' Lady

Monday, July 09, 2007

Tennis, Anyone?

So, my right elbow's been bothering me for a little over a month now. I first noticed it when I tried to stretch my shoulders one morning by clasping my hands behind my back and lifting them upward. In the process the elbows turn outward. This is a stretch I do regularly.

Well, that morning my right elbow suddenly hurt as it was twisting. At the time I just figured I'd slept on it wrong and the muscle was stiff.

But, the soreness didn't go away. In fact, it fluctuates in just how sore it is. Some days I barely notice it, while others I can barely use the right arm as a load-bearing aparatus.

Anyway, after a month my personal trainer at the gym asked me to get it checked out. Today, I went to the doctor. An x-ray showed I have an inflammation in the joint. Tennis Elbow.

My first reaction, "But I don't play tennis!"

The doctor says it's a typical, repetitive stress injury and the only way to heal it is to keep the stress off the joint.

So, now I'm sitting here with a pressure bandage sitting two finger-widths below my right elbow, driving me nuts!

Tennis, anyone?

Nimitz' Lady

Carpet Cleaner

It looks like our newest and youngest family member, Squiggles, has found his life's calling -- Carpet Cleaner!

This young, approx. 11 month old, kitten has taken to licking the carpets.

Some say this could be from boredom (he has two older cats to play with, a tall cat-tree to attack at will and free access to the out-of-doors) or OCD (not seeing it).

Personally, I think he just likes the taste.

Nimitz' Lady

An Exchange?

Our church is trying to find a host family for a 17-year-old Seventh-day Adventist German girl who's planning to study in the States this next school year.

I'm trying to convince Der Deutscher that this would be a great fit for us. With Grammy having moved out we have an extra room. It would be a great chance for JBP to get daily contact with someone who embodies a part of his heritage, not to mention just get used to dealing with people from other countries (a major must in this day and age).

But Der Deutscher is coming up with all sorts of "why nots".

1. What would we do with all the stuff in the spare room, which is currently being used as a store room?

2. Hosting a German would be "cheating" since he's German.

3. We're fixing up the house for sale and it wouldn't be fair to put an exchange student through that.

4. Where would she go to school? Where I teach? Or at the neighborhood school?

I keep trying to tell him, that as with much else in life, if you wait for the perfect conditions you'll never do anything. We'll see if he changes his mind.

Nimitz' Lady


This last Sabbath, JBP was promoted to the next level of Sabbath School. In our church, the Sabbath School classes are separated by grade completed, not age, and promotions are only done twice a year, once in July and once in January.

Since JBP completed 1st grade this last school year, he was promoted from the Kindergarten to Primary Class.

I had told him it was going to happen, but that we were going to miss the actual promotion ceremony while we were at the family reunion in Colorado. So, he'd been shrugging the whole thing off, pretending it didn't mean anything to him.

Well, at the end of the church service this last Sabbath, Surprise! Surprise!

Turns out too many of the kids being promoted had missed the weekend we missed. So, they'd delayed the promotion ceremony.

JBP was tickled pink to be called up to the front of the sanctuary to receive his promotion certificate along with all the others. He jumped out of his seat and grinned from ear to ear the entire time! Then, after church he scampered off quite happily to Primary class.

Nimitz' Lady

That's Gross

As promised, here's the story of why the comment "That's gross!" was so hilarious.

JBP was watching a show on animal babies (development and birth) on the National Geographic channel. (Free preview, we don't have digital cable. Yet.) The show moves from elephants to dolphins and begins talking about the process of conception. You know, s*x.

JBP turns to me and asks, "What's see-men?"

Now, he understands the basics of reproduction fairly well. He just needed a definition for a word he hadn't heard before as I've always referred to it as the seed.

When I explained what see-men was, he said, "Does that mean we do it like dolphins do?"

I responded, "Yes."

He thought for a moment, digesting the information and decided, "That's gross!"

Although this is a comment relatively common among his peers and agemates (notice I don't necessarily believe these two groups are one and the same) it is not a comment I'd ever expected to hear from JBP.

This is the same young man who's been flirting with the female half of the population since he was old enough to hold his head up on his own. Who, at the age of 5, turned to a waitress and said, "You have very pretty eyes!". Who, when he has a choice, will almost always choose to play with the girls (unless only the boys are playing a sport).

So, while I firmly expect to have major "girl troubles" when puberty hits, I never expected male/female relations to be termed as "gross" by him.

He is at an age where he is voraciously interested in the conception, development and birth process, but, most obviously, from the solely scientific point of view. So far. Thank God!

We've also had to have the discussion of babies outside of marriage this month, as one of his cousins at the family reunion was eight months pregnant and sans husband.

One thing I'm trying to fervently impress on him is the seriousness and spiritual aspects of s*x (it's not a sport, like so many of today's young people think it is). I really hope he'll be able to avoid the pitfalls I tumbled into in my youth. But what parent doesn't?

Nimitz' Lady

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I had a whole list of posts sitting on our computer desk, just waiting for when I had time to actually write and post them.

Well, big surprise, I finally get the time and someone (Der Deutscher?) has 'cleaned' up the desk and my list, written on the back of a piece of scrap paper, is gone!

I'll never remember all of them ,but bear with me as I try to paste my memory together here.

1. Swimming Reflections
When did I become a prude? Get old? Whatever you want to call it?

I made the horrendous error of promising my Eveready Bunny of a son that as I had the summer off I'd take him swimming practically every day.

So, as I've spent almost every afternoon this summer sitting by the pool (in it whenever the lifeguards are looking my way since JBP hasn't yet reached that magical age of 8) I've had plenty of time to people watch... and think.

And what I've thought is that it's obscene to put a 6 month old, or even a 6 year old, in a bikini. Don't get me wrong. Two piece swimsuits have their place. On adult women trying to catch a certain someone's attention. Where I have decided they DO NOT belong is on children.

It's similar to my husband's reaction to young pre-pubescent girls wearing make-up. "What, you've given up on keeping the pedophiles away and are just hoping to attract a high class of sexual predator?"

On the other hand, all the time I've spent at the pool has alleviated much of my own self-conciousness about appearing in public in a swimsuit. It's not that I now enjoy it, but I've realized it's a losing proposition to try to hide and have given up. So, here's hoping the rest of the world is enjoying all my jiggles (even those places BELOW the bustline!)

2. Seeing Red
I'm sunburnned! How did that happen? Turns out when the manufacturers say don't use sunscreen that's more than a year old they really mean it.

It wasn't a horrible burn. Never peeled or anything. Just enough to get my attention. I still was completely baffled.

To compound matters, two days later when we returned to the pool I FORGOT to put sunscreen on my chest, you know -- the burned area, and got burned again!

3. All 'Rung' Out
JBP caught ringworm at the Boys and Girls Club this summer. Not a huge deal, but a pain in the but.

He'd had a mosquito bite that wasn't healing normally and I'd been keeping an eye on it.

We get to Colorado for our family reunion (the Puerto Rican side of my family) and are at breakfast. I'm checking the mosquito bite yet again, trying to figure out what's going on, when JBP pipes up, "My teacher (at Boys and Girls Club) thinks it's ringworm."

At which point I remember a notice they'd put up that there'd been a kid with ringworm at the Club the week before. I rush to the hotel computer and google ringworm.

JBP's mosquito bite could've been the model for the pictures I found.

Treatment is relatively easy, but it meant JBP couldn't go swimming for the next seven days, i.e. not at all during the family reunion. That was tough for my little fish to handle. But, all in all, he did quite well and is now clear of the infection.

4. ¿Qué?
Ok, by all the tests I've been able to find, I'm fluent in Spanish. In fact, most native speakers have to be told that I am not one of them. However, I rediscovered one glaring deficiency in my Spanish abilities this last week in Colorado.

My family is Puerto Rican. Puerto Rican is probably the most difficult form of Spanish to understand. They drop practically all internal "s" in words, speak atrociously fast and slur everything together.

Add to that the fact that at least half of my family (of those who do speak Spanish) speak said Puerto Rican Spanish with a Southern accent.

I spent the week feeling like a fraud for even thinking I could speak/teach Spanish with/to anyone!

5. The Next Contestant Is....
Me! I hope. At least I'm trying.

I spent years wanting to get on such quiz shows as Jeopardy!, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and The Weakest Link. All of which, unfortunately for me, aired on stations I worked for. This made me ineligible to even try out to be a contestant.

The standard time limit is one year. That year is up at the end of this month. In the meantime, I've been assiduously watching these shows, training for my chance.

Today I started checking out their websites to find out how to try out. Oh my G*d! And I mean that quite religiously. Just trying out for these shows is a major production.

Both Deal or No Deal and 1 Vs 100 want a VIDEO along with about a 5 page application. For Who Wants to be a Millionaire? you have to actually show up at a try out -- the nearest of which this month is a 3 hour drive away on a day that I'm not free to go. Jeopardy! isn't taking new applicants right now. Although they do now have an online test I can take. Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? is the simplest. Only a seven page application to fill out and send in, along with a non-returnable photo.

But I will not give up the dream! So, I'm off to find (or take!) a good photo and a black ink pen to start filling out applications. Wish me luck!


Well, that's all I can remember right now. Hopefully I'll think of more later. But still ahead, an entire post on why "That's Gross!" is so hilarious. Can you tell I used to write for TV?

Nimitz' Lady